Chapter Sixty-Three

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Time seemed to be flying by since Courtney visited Brendan's home and spent time with his family. Truth be told, she had her reasons for doing so. During the week, she had gotten to know what Brendan was like growing up. She saw his graduation photos, and even some objectively funny baby pictures. It made her laugh. She felt...happy. It wasn't just some superficial feeling.

When she was around him, she felt things she had never imagined possible. She shivered at his touch and felt all warm and fuzzy inside. She couldn't explain what it was she was feeling and it frustrated her. During their first encounter, things were normal. She was most certainly nervous until she got her bearings straight.

She could relax around him and even felt comfortable enough to vent frustrations to him. Their first night together was one she cherished, even if it was but part of the job at first, until she spent more time with him during the tournament. It ceased being a way to inspire him to join Team Magma, and developed into a desire to have him to herself.

Courtney sighed as she looked over at Brendan. He was still asleep, curled up in the blankets of her secret hideaway after another passionate night. A smile crossed her face as she watched him. He had earned the night he got after the training they did.

Brendan was down to his last teammate as he battled against Courtney. Her Ninetales had taken out Mightyena and Sandslash and finally went down to Arcanine. The victory was short-lived as her Magmortar quickly trounced him. Magmortar took out Skarmory and went down to Milotic. Sadly, she went down to Camerupt's Earthquake after suffering through a physical battle with Magmortar.

Brendan couldn't believe how powerful Courtney's Pokémon were. He sweat-dropped as he looked at his Sceptile. Courtney smirked as she raised her fist, the keystone gleaming as she activated it. Camerupt underwent transmutation. It felt like the heat had gone up around him.

"I knew you were strong, but this was more than I expected," Brendan admitted, sweat-dropping.

"I did mention that I've had these Pokémon since I was younger. Camerupt's been with me since I was a kid. We have quite a bond," Courtney informed him.

"I can see that. However," Brendan paused, raising his gauntlet. "I'm not about to go out without a fight. It's time we kicked it up a notch as well!" Brendan shouted.

Sceptile roared powerfully as he began the transmutation process. Strength pulsed from his frame after the change took place. Brendan knew it would be difficult, but he would fight on.

Courtney ran a gentle hand through his dark brown hair, lightly feeling the smooth scar he bore. Even at this, he remained asleep. They had been training for a few days and he was getting stronger. Then again, so was she. Brendan never won their first fight. He was a good tactician, but she had been doing it for far longer. The traps she had set for him left his team in shambles.

But every time, he would improve. She took pride in this fact. She wanted to see him do well in the League, considering the opponents he would face. Some of them would be seasoned veterans, and others would be big name prodigies. His biggest threats were two of his own friends, one of which was the son of an Ace who took the League by storm years prior. The other was the sister of a Champion.

Courtney watched his battle with Katrina. She had the complete advantage in the beginning. She just didn't account for Brendan's unpredictable tactics. Otherwise, Brendan would have easily lost.

Katrina sighed as she sat in her sister's guest room. She had been training with Cynthia for hours, and the process was exhausting. Not once could she win. Her Garchomp was on a completely different level. She was stupid to think that hers could compare.

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