Chapter Four

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Brendan awoke from his slumber the next morning, refreshed and ready to take on the day. He had a gym challenge to take and he was quite certain that his team was ready to face his former instructor. Sitting up, he glanced over at the alarm clock, blinking at the time. Ten o'clock was what it read.

"I really need to work on getting up earlier," Brendan yawned, stretching as he stood.

Treecko and Poochyena were sleeping in their own designated places. Poochyena seemed to prefer the floor near the bed while Treecko took to the window. Sunlight leaked inside, warming Treecko's scales and rousing him from his sleep.

"Morning you two," Brendan voiced as he headed off to shower and get ready for the day.

Treecko and Poochyena both nodded in acknowledgment.

"Today's the day we have our first gym battle. I know you guys will be ready for it," Brendan stated as he slipped into the bathroom.

Courtney had been awake since the crack of dawn, reviewing the recording that was sent to her. She observed Brendan's actions as well as listened to his speech. Her lips curled into a slight smile as she heard him insult the Team Aqua Grunt.

The boy has sense. This is good. She thought, watching further.

She took note of the power of his Treecko and typed up a few notes about it.

Grass Knot. Hmm...better used for heavier opponents, but it was used flawlessly as a surprise attack. This Treecko seems to be quite fast as well. Analyzing...conclusion; it was bred. Superlative.

Courtney continued to watch, interest piquing more by the minute. Normally, this didn't happen. People didn't usually interest her at all. But this one, this...boy, really caught her attention. Who was he? She had to find out. Just then, an idea hit her.

He will be in Rustburo City. Team Aqua is planning something. Perhaps Miles can find out more. Yes...that will work.

With that, she stood up and made her way to her bathroom for a relaxing bath. She would call Miles when she was done.

"Shroomish, hang in there!" May called out as her Shroomish was batted away by Roxanne's Nosepass.

Okay May, think strategically. Remember what Brendan said. Don't rush in...

"Nosepass, use Rock Tomb!" Roxanne commanded.

Nosepass materialized several large rocks and launched them straight at Shroomish.

"Seed Bomb!" May countered.

Shroomish sent a volley of glowing white orbs towards the incoming rocks. The bombs exploded upon contact and dispersed the assault made by Roxanne.

"Not bad Miss Maple. I expected nothing less from the daughter of Norman. You do have his fighting spirit," Roxanne complimented.

"Thank you. That means a lot to me," May began. "I will do my best to win," May declared.

"That's what I like to hear. Nosepass, use Ice Punch!"

"Shroomish, use Stun Spore, quick!" May countered hastily.

Nosepass rushed in with its rocky stub glowing with icy cold energy. As it was about to strike, Shroomish released a shower of spores, covering Nosepass and slowing it movements dramatically. Before it could strike, a paralyzing current raced along its body, rendering it immobile.

Now's my chance! May thought. "Seed Bomb again!"


May paled. Seed Bomb went off first followed by Nosepass self-destructing. When the dust cleared, Shroomish and Nosepass were both out of the fight. The judges hand went up.

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