Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Brendan sat down inside the lobby of the Pokémon Center. There was quite a crowd gathered there, and many were chattering about the tournament. There was also mention of the contest that May had won. Some were discussing battle tactics and even betting on the last match.

"I think Brendan can win this one. His strategies are pretty well put together, and on top of that he has an Arcanine. That thing is a monster," a female trainer with blonde pigtails and a yellow and white school uniform said.

"Well I think Katrina will wallop him. She has more battling skills than most of us. She could probably even beat that Tim guy," a young lad with brown hair wearing a uniform of similar coloration stated.

Brendan stifled a laugh. If only they knew Tim's full team. Thus far even he has kept a few under the radar. Pidgeot and Gurdurr see the light of day a lot. He did have to admit that Tim and Katrina would be pretty fun to watch. He knew he would be hard pressed to win, but he was going to try pretty darn hard.

"I think the fight could go either way. Then again, we have no clue what else Katrina has. I hear she hasn't even used her ace yet," said another school girl with orange braids.

Brendan knew she was right. So far, all she'd used were Trevenant and Magmar. And those were quite powerful from what he saw. Fortunately, he had counters for both of them. If only he knew the other two. A sigh escaped his lips as he waited for his team.

The sound of the doors to the Pokémon Center opening, soon caught his attention. He turned to see Courtney standing there and looking around. Spotting her subject of interest, she smiled slyly and made her way over to him.

"There you are," she chuckled. "Sorry I wasn't able to make it earlier. Work had me tied up," Courtney replied with a sigh.

"I understand. Believe me, my father always has long days," Brendan replied casually, trying to mask his nervousness.

"Well, he is the Professor after all. It's no surprise that a man of his stature is busy more often than not," Courtney said simply.

Brendan agreed. His dad was usually a busy man. Even May's dad was a workaholic. But at least some time was set aside for family. And now that he was out of the house, his parents could have more free time. The sound of a bell chimed, signifying the completion of a healing process. Erica walked out and sighed in relief.

"What a week it's been," she said while glancing over at Brendan. "Your team is ready Brendan."

Brendan nodded and stood up to retrieve his team from the cart. He attached them to his belt and walked back to Courtney.

"There's still a little time left until the match," Brendan relayed to her. "I am a bit nervous about it to be honest."

Courtney canted her head slightly at this remark. She didn't blame him for the jitters he had. It was after all, the final showdown. It was supposed to be hard. With a grin she patted him on the shoulder.

"Hey now, it's alright. It's natural to feel that way. Why don't you and I get a few drinks huh? We have a little time to kill, as you say," Courtney pointed out.

Brendan thought about her proposal. A drink did sound good. With a shrug he smiled back at Courtney.

"Sure, that works for me. It's been a while since I've had a smoothie. Mago and Nanab Berry sounds good right about now," Brendan replied.

The two turned tail and stepped out the door to head to the Food Court. The city was a bit more packed due to the tournament. Some came from other towns hours away to watch. Brendan knew the lines would be long. Just his luck.

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