Chapter Seven

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Brendan and May lounged on the deck of Mr. Briney's ship. They decided to change into swimwear since the place they were headed to was know for having excellent surfing weather.

"This is rather nice. Being out on the ocean and soaking up the sun is a good way to relieve stress," May sighed contentedly.

"I agree with you there. I might even go for a swim later," Brendan chuckled.

"Sounds fun!" May remarked.

The two leaned back in their chairs and closed their eyes. Both of their Pokémon were out and getting acquainted. As they were conversing, a loud screeching noise made them look up. This also got Brendan to sit up as well.

I know that sound, Brendan thought as he looked up to see something flying just above the boat.

It was one of the more savage predators of the sky. It had a long metallic neck, legs and tail. It had a sharp, pointed beak as well as sharp teeth with a crest in the shape of a triangle on its head. The inside of its razor sharp wings was a beautiful crimson color.

"A Skarmory..." Brendan said aloud as he watched it soar.

He glanced over at his Pokémon. If he could get it in close quarters, Poochyena could deal with it. It would be extremely tough considering how vicious Skarmory were. He just needed to get its attention. But how could he?

"What's up Brendan?" May asked, opening her eyes and looking up. "Oh wow! A Skarmory! They're really rare."

"I know. And I want it," Brendan stated as he stared up at the Skarmory, thinking of a way to get it down.

Maybe a Seed Bomb will get it down here. That's my best shot here at the moment. Brendan concluded, glancing over at Treecko.

The reptilian Pokémon turned to Brendan and as if knowing what he was thinking, nodded and looked back up at Skarmory.

"Treecko, get to higher ground, toss down a Seed Bomb and jump!" Brendan ordered.

Swiftly, Treecko darted from his postion at the stern and scaled his way to the upper deck. A golden sphere materialized in Treecko's hand. He trust it down and lept high, the resounding explosion blasting him higher into the sky. The startling sound caused the Skarmory to turn her head to see what was occuring. Needless to say, she wasn't expecting to see a Treecko, of all things, heading her way.

She leaned to avoid the oncoming reptile's airborne Quick Attack. This however, did not hinder Treecko. Knowing he had little time in the air, he twisted and loosed a few more Seed Bombs, drawing power from the sun to execute a much stronger attack.

Skarmory barrel rolled to avoid the first bomb but was blasted on her head by the second one. Treecko began to freefall towards the sea. Skarmory screeched and shook her head violently while regaining stability in the air. She set her sights on the falling Treecko who was in swan dive formation as he plummeted to the sea. Clearly incensed, the bird of prey dove for her attacker, accelerating at a surprisingly fast speed in spite of her metallic body.

Her wings were actually hollow and lightweight but sturdy too. They were sharp as blades and right now, they were poised to strike upon closing the distance. Before she could attack, a red beam of light absorbed Treecko, causing her to flap her wings rapidly and look for the source. A loud howling sound caught her attention. Her yellow optics set themselves on Brendan who now had a snarling Poochyena, surrounded by scarlet energy, at his feet. Sensing a challenge, the Skarmory screeched a challenge to the pup.

Brendan, understanding what she meant, gladly accepted the challenge. Before Brendan could give an order, Skarmory bolted forward, wings aglow with steel infused energy. Poochyena lowered his form and his teeth began to crackle. He knew what to do.

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