Chapter Twelve

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Brendan and May lounged in the Pokémon Center in Slateport City. After the fight with Team Aqua, Brendan had a lot on his mind. First there was the fact that the museum was overrun with Team Aqua Grunts. What exactly were they doing there anyway? They couldn't have all been there just to steal from Captain Stern. Something didn't sit right with Brendan when it came to that. What were their motives?

And then there was that other guy in the crowd. He seemed to know what was going on. Who was he? And why did he help them? Furthermore, where did he go after all that? Whoever he was, Brendan wanted to at least thank him for the help. Just then, the doors to the Pokémon Center opened and a female trainer rushed in.

"Oh my Arceus! Lisia is here!"

Brendan and May both blinked.

"Lisia? The contest star that's undefeated so far?" May queried, her eyes going wide.

"I think so, c'mon, let's check it out," Brendan replied as he stood up.

Everyone else had bum-rushed the door and congregated outside by the Contest Hall. Gabby and Ty were there already, filming Lisia and her Altaria. Fanboys and girls of all ages were circiled round the entrance, almost locking her in. She sat sidesaddle on her Altaria so she could acutally get above and see everyone.

"Hello all my lovely fans! You know what time it is!" She chirped excitedly.

The crowd began screaming in excitement.

"Lisia, do you have a boyfriend!?"

"We love you Lisia!"

"You're the best!"

Lisia flashed a brilliant smile before holding up her hand. The crowd reluctantly went quiet.

"As you know, I pick one new person each year to make a contest debut. And today is that day!" She exclaimed.

"Pick me!"

"No, me Lisia! Me!"

Lisia sweat-dropped. "Okay, settle down. Now, which one of you lovely folks should I choose?"

Lisia glanced around at the crowd to see some of them raising their hands, others waving frantically, and some were sweating bullets. Then her eyes found their way to May and lingered.

Oh my! She's so pretty! Her friend is cute too. Just look at how well her outfit goes together. Hmmm, a pretty face, possibly cute Pokémon and...wait. I've seen her on Trainer Talk! And him too! Oh, this is a no brainer now.

May looked over at Lisia and then to Brendan with a nervous look.

"Is she looking over here? I think she's looking over here!" She whispered frantically.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I have decided who will be my next protégé! My friends," she paused, floating over to May as she spoke, "I give you May Maple!"

May would have fainted had Brendan not been there to steady her. May managed to regain her footing and stood up.

"M-m-me?" She stammered, her cheeks tinted pink.

"Yes, you! I know I don't know you personally, but I do keep up with things other than the contest world. So, what do you say?"

May couldn't believe it. For the longest time she had wanted to become a coordinator. And now, today, she was being handpicked by the Lisia, to be one. She almost slapped herself to check if she was dreaming or not.

"So, what say you, May? Care to step into the contest world?" Lisia questioned.

May looked over at Brendan. The contest world was ultimately what she wanted. She could always go back to the world of battling right? It would always be there, but this opportunity didn't come around often. Brendan, as if knowing what was going through her mind, simply smiled and nodded. May returned the smile and looked over at Lisia. Gabby and Ty were also there with the camera pointed at them.

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