Chapter Sixty-Eight

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Today's the day. Everything I've ever accomplished has led up to this day. And without the help of my friends...I could never have gotten this far...

May's mind drifted back to when she met Lisia in the very city they were now competing in.

Still, it's hard to believe that I, of all the people in that crowd, was chosen. Heh...I guess that shows how I really think about myself doesn't it? May chuckled as she watched the current battle.

Derrick was facing off against a young woman named Alexis. She used a combination of her Kirlia and Gothorita. Derrick had his trusty Froslass as well as a Starmie. With a minute to go, both sides were on equal footing until Kirlia was thrown off balance by a Rapid Spin from Starmie and a Shadow Ball from Froslass that depleated the rest of Alexis' points.

"And time! The winner of this round is Derrick! Let's give our Coordinators a hand!" Contesta exclaimed.

Alexis sighed and returned her Pokémon to their respective spheres. She looked up and smiled at Derrick as he walked over to shake her hand.

"Well played Derrick. Good luck in the next battle," Alexis said with a slight smile.

"Thanks, you were a great opponent. I had fun," Derrick replied.

"Me too," Alexis stated, turning to make her exit.

Backstage, May was prepping for her opponent. This was someone she had faced before. It was Gina, her very first battle round opponent. The door opened up and Derrick walked through. May pulled him close and gently kissed his lips.

"Great job out there, I don't know if you heard me, but I was cheering you on," May beamed.

"Thank you, I'm glad to hear that. And you can bet that I will be cheering for you when you go up," Derrick replied with a chuckle.

A thunderous applause caught their attention as Lisia was declared the victor of her battle.

"I nearly forgot they were doing two battles at the same time. This will go pretty quick," May laughed.

"No kidding. Lisia really did a number on her opponent. Then again, she didn't win the last Hoenn Grand Festival for nothing," Derrick replied.

"You can say that again," May replied as she looked up at the screen to see Contesta approaching the microphone.

"Splendid! As to be expected from the previous winner of the festival. Both battles were fantastic! Now, let's move on to our next group. Will Chaz, Frederick, Gina and May please come to the stage!?" Contesta called out.

The door to the stage opened and out walked the four Coordinators, ready to do battle. May and Chaz exchanged glances and nodded, silently wishing the other, good luck. Chaz and Frederick walked off to another corner of the stage while May and Gina stayed where they were.

"We meet again, May," Gina grinned.

"Hello, Gina. Nice to see you too," May replied with a smirk.

May and Gina reached for their two partners and snapped them off their waists.

"Coordinators! Send out your Pokémon!" Boomed Contesta.

"Blaziken, Pikachu, the spotlight is on you!" May exclaimed.

"Gorebyss, Roserade, time to shine!" Gina shouted.

"Begin!" Contesta boomed.

"Hydro Bomb!" Gina commanded.

Gorebyss reared her head back and gathered in aquatic energies while Roserade produced a sphere of toxicity and released it right as Gorebyss fired. The sludge was carried in the water towards the opposing side.

Blaziken and Pikachu jinked to the side and darted forward for their own assault.

"Blaziken, Thunderous Impact! Pikachu, Volt Rocket!" May commanded.

Pikachu dashed forward, electricity sparking from her cheeks as she began to levitate. An electrical current formed around her. She then shot foward towards her opposition. Blaziken leapt high, fist crackling with electricity as he reached the apex of his jump.

Gorebyss threw up a Whirlpool counter shield to neutralize the impact of Pikachu's assault, effectively shielding her teammate from harm. Due to the defensive maneuver, May's points dropped. Then Blaziken came crashing down through the Whirlpool, making direct contact with Gorebyss, breaking her concentration and sending her skidding along the stage.

Blaziken's assault was quickly answered with an Extrasensory assault by Roserade that repelled both Blaziken and Pikachu, causing May to lose even more points.

She's even tougher than last time. I need to do something and fast. I've got a minute left...May thought as she looked at her team.

A crimson aura flickered around Blaziken for a brief moment, giving May the clarity she needed to form a new strategy.

She may have me down now, but I think it's time I stepped up my appeal. Blaziken, I know we haven't done this yet...but I trust you. You've been through so much with me. From our first gym badge and our first contest win. Our journey has been full of firsts hasn't it? I think it's time we had another...

May closed her eyes and grabbed hold of her necklace. Power erupted from it, causing Blaziken's Mega Stone to respond. In a flash of bright light, Blaziken was transformed. Upon witnessing this, Gina became more nervous.

"Gorebyss, Hydro Pump! Roserade, Magical Leaf!" Gina commanded hastily.

"Thunder Vortex!" May commanded.

Blaziken reared his head back and gathered powerful flames in his mouth while Pikachu's cheeks sparked dangerously. Blaziken lurched forward and loosed a powerful Overheat that was soon joined by a Thunderbolt that circulated around it. The blast punched through the oncoming assault and overwhelmed the opposition.

Both Gorebyss and Roserade were blasted across the stage and crashed onto the platform in a heap. All of Gina's points were quickly depleted right as the time ran out.

"Gorebyss and Roserade are unable to battle! The victory goes to May Maple!" Contesta exclaimed.

A wild applause followed the declaration as May walked to her opponent.

"Looks like you beat me again. Just when I was so close too," Gina sighed.

"Yeah, but you did manage to back me into a corner. I was not expecting that," May replied with a chuckle.

"Not many do. In any case, good luck with the rest of the competition," Gona stated, reaching out to shake May's hand.

"Thanks, I am gonna need it," May smiled, accepting the handshake.

Gina walked off the stage while May and her team took a bow. She too, left the stage soon after Contesta got up there.

"Wasn't that spectacular!? May has shown a lot of promise during this competition. Who knows how far she's going to go?" Contesta stated as he prepared to call for the next four Coordinators.

May made her way to the Pokémon Center to recuperate. She handed the nurse her team and sat back on the sofa in the lobby to relax.

So my first battle is over. Now I just need to worry about who I am facing next. This is going to be tough, considering the possibility of me facing Derrick or Lisia just got higher. Even though Derrick is my boyfriend...and Lisia is my friend, I won't pull any punches.

So May wins her round against Gina! Mega Blaziken made an appearance showing that May isn't messing around. Get ready for the next one!

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