Chapter Fifty-Three

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Courtney turned her head to see Seth and his posse at the entrance at the top of the stairs. Brendan looked around to see people being cornered by Mightyena. For some odd reason, his mind screamed at him to move. Reacting instinctively to the thought, he ducked in time for a Shadow Ball to breeze on by.

A second was on the way, thanks to  Jellicent that was on the assault. Sceptile was quickly released, Leaf Blade lashing out to drive away the assault. A Sludge Bomb was directly behind the ghostly attack and would have connected had a certain Ninetales not intervened with a Flamethrower.

Brendan looked up at Seth who had a Jellicent and Dragalge by his side. The entire stadium was in a panic by this time. Seth grinned maliciously at Brendan. Revenge was high on the list for Seth after being humiliated the way he was.

Seth rose up from the water and drew in air. He floated on his back for a moment and scowled up at the sky. Feelings of excitement mixed with rage burst to the surface.

I expected him to be strong. But I never thought I would actually lose! And who do those lousy dragons think they are tossing me aside like a cheap tool!? They're going to pay. They're all going to pay!

May narrowed her eyes as she saw Team Aqua invading the Contest Hall.

How dare they!? May thought as she reached for Blaziken's ball.

Derrick reached for Froslass and sent her out to combat the invaders. May released Blaziken. The Contest Hall went from a competition, to being a battleground.

Shelly yanked Miles into the room Zinnia had checked into, leaving Shelly the key. Zinnia had taken off as per instruction by Shelly. The snarky Admin shut the door and locked it. She faced Miles and grinned deviously. Hunger filled her eyes as she sauntered towards him, dropping the robe she'd been wearing and pushing him onto the mattress.

Shelly began running her hand slowly down his chest as she straddled him.

"Why don't we skip the small talk and get right down to business?" She purred into his ear, causing him to shiver.

"Well...if you're offering, how can I say no?" Miles smirked. "You may want to keep it down so people don't hear you..."

Shelly chuckled in a sinister manner before pulling his face close to hers. "I have a feeling I will be needing to tell you that..."

Shelly pushed him flat on his back and began to yank his shorts off.

Good, I've got the Mutt detained. Now Archie and Matt won't need to worry about him getting in the way. Besides, I kinda wanted this anyway...

Archie and his crew entered the cemetary at the base of the mountain.

"Be respectful of the ones who've passed lads. We won't be harming this place," Archie commanded as he and Matt trekked along, their teams in tow.

Steven stood at the top of the Devon Corporation buliding and looked out over Rustburo City. He recently brought a few stones from his travels to his father. As he looked up, a figure suddenly uncloaked itself in midair. It was Latios. He looked rather concerned.

"Judging by the look on your face...I am guessing this isn't a house call," Steven stated.

Perceptive as always, and no...there is danger. Mount Pyre has been disturbed by the same threat that paid our island visitation, Latios replied.

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