Chapter Eighty-One

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Evening approached Ever Grande City, and many were beginning to pile into the stadium in anticipation of the final match. Viewers that weren't at the conference were tuned in to watch the battle. The stands began to fill up, waiting for Mr. Goodshow to make the announcement for the match to begin. Just outside the grounds, Brendan and Katrina stood looking out to sea. They had agreed to meet up before the match began.

"It's finally time, isn't it?" Brendan said as he watched the waves roll in.

Katrina looked down at her gear and nodded. "Yeah...we should probably be getting back now."

"Eh, the match can't start without us. And I'm not so sure I want this all to be over just yet," Brendan laughed.

"I agree. This entire journey has been just plain crazy. It started off normal, until two ancient Pokémon decided to have a feud, putting the entire world in jeopardy," Katrina said with a grimace.

"It wasn't that bad," Brendan stated, getting a quizzical look from Katrina. "I'm kidding, relax," Brendan laughed.

Katrina rolled her eyes.

"So, it's the final battle. How do we wanna do this thing?" Katrina asked curiously.

"What do you mean?" Brendan inquired.

"I mean our entrance. Do we just walk out there like normal, or do we milk this thing for all its worth and play it up? Give me something to work with here," Katrina snickered.

Brendan thought for a moment. How should they do this? As he thought, it occurred to him that there was something they could do. With a grin, he reached for his necklace and snapped off the two spheres containing the Eon Twins.

"I think I have an idea, but first...I have one question. Latios, or Latias?" Brendan grinned.

"Ladies and Gentlemen!" Mr. Goodshow announced as he stepped onto the arena floor. "Welcome to the Ever Grande Conference Finals!" Mr. Goodshow bellowed.

The crowd burst into a fit of cheers. Several fan clubs were in the stands, holding up signs of the trainer they supported. Mr. Goodshow quieted the crowd so he could continue.

"It has been my pleasure to be the host of such an amazing tournament. In all my years, I have never seen battles like these! The trainers I am about to introduce to you are incredibly talented. They fought tooth and nail to be able to stand in the final round of this great conference. So join me in welcoming our two finalists, Brendan and Katrina!" Mr. Goodshow exclaimed.

Both tunnels lit up, as did the lights all around the arena as it began to rise to the platforms. Everyone looked on to see when the two combatants would walk out, but nothing happened. Suddenly, a red blur shot out of the green tunnel while a blue one burst from the red tunnel. The crowd looked up to see Brendan riding Latias while Katrina hung on to Latios. The two spiraled around each other at an accelerated rate before diving back to their respective platforms, cloaking as they descended, causing the audience to gasp in amazement. Suddenly, they reappeared, soaring over the audience, taking a lap around the stadium before cloaking on the fly by each other.

A few seconds later, Katrina and Brendan reappeared on their respective platforms and hopped off their rides. Katrina lightly stroked Latios on his head and sent him back over to his trainer. Brendan patted Latias on her head and then nodded towards the stands for them to spectate. Both twins looked around and spotted a few seats on either side of Cynthia behind Brendan's family. The Eon Duo soared up towards them, and transformed, much to the audience's surprise and sat down.

"They sure are full of surprises aren't they folks!? What a spectacular entrance! This one will most certainly be remembered!" Mr. Goodshow exclaimed.

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