A special guest.

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Kayla: "Hello everyone to today's interview, you may also say hi to the audience Penny!"

Penny: "Hi, there!"

Kayla: "So, are you ready for our first
question?" *smiles big*

Penny: "well, okay..."

Kayla: "Our first question is from:
TalennyTrench and it says:
What's the cutest thing about talon?"

Penny: *face turns red* "I really think that his dimples are soo cute and his hair..." *blushes harder* *doesn't realize what she just said*

Kayla: "Okay, we have a very special guest today, come in Talon!"

*Talon enters and sits beside Penny on the couch*

Talon: "Hey Pretty Penny, how's it going?" *said in a charming voice*

Penny: "Ummmm...fine, I guess" *blushes"
"But wait, d-did you hear our conversation next door?"

Talon: "Yes, I did hear every single word." *smiles in a cheesy way*

Penny: *face becomes red as a tomato*

And before Talon could talk Kayla asked the next question.

Kayla: "Talon, ready for your question?"

Talon: "Sure!"

Kayla: "This question is also from: TalennyTrench and it says:
What's your favorite thing about Penny?"

Talon: *face turns red* "Well, I like her beautiful big blue eyes and I really like it when I make her blush." *winks at Penny*

*Penny and Talon blush*

*And for their respective reasons Kayla decided to end this interview...*

Kayla: "Hope you enjoyed today's episode of our show 'Talenny', till next time!

This is my first story to write so I'm sorry if I have any mistakes, feel free to tell me how to improve it.
You may also dare talon and penny and ask for pranks as well so please ask questions in the comment section below.
Thanks for reading!

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