A new mission (Mini chapter-2)

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*the next morning*

*at Penny's*

Penny: "Good morning world" *yawns*

*inspector Gadget enters*

Inspector Gadget: "Good morning Penny!" *extends his arms to hug Penny*
"Ready for some training today?"

Penny: "Yes uncle." *says with sleepy voice*

Inspector Gadget: "Get up and get ready for breakfast, it's in the kitchen on the counter."

*Brain enters*

Inspector Gadget: "Here you are Brain!"
"Come here you need to get me the newspaper."
"Go go Gadget...." *pulls Brain with him*

Penny: (I'm hungry...,)
(I wonder what uncle Gadget prepared for breakfast)
(It's probably just an apple) *sighs*

*At Talon's...*

Dr. Claw: "WAKE UP TALON!!!" *shouting*

Talon: "Okay uncle claw..." *says with sleepy voice*
*gets up and goes to the bathroom to get his hair gel*

*in the bathroom*

Talon: (where is my hair gel????)
(oh right, Kayla is supposed to return to me today at the show...)
*goes to his uncle*

Dr. Claw: "WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG????!!!!" *shouting*

Talon: "Seriously?! It was just five minutes..."

Dr. Claw: "Shut up an listen to our plan!"

Talon: "Fine."

Dr. Claw: "I need to destroy the great wall of china to place my super destructive machine that will destroy the world and destroy GADGET!!!" * evil laugh*

Talon: "Are you serious?!"

Dr. Claw: "What's wrong with the plan, you will destroy it and place my machine, do you understand?????"

Talon: "I do understand but,....is Penny coming?" *says with excitement*

Dr. Claw: "Penny who?"

Talon: "Are you kidding me, uncle gadget's niece, she stops your plans every time!"

Dr. Claw: "You're talking gibberish!"
"Now go and destroy GADGET!!!"

Talon: "Fine uncle..."
*flies with his rocket boots*

*at Penny's*

*in the kitchen...*

*Penny is eating breakfast with inspector gadget and Brain*

*Chief Quimby comes out from the toaster*

Chief Quimby: "Hey Gadget you have a new mission..."

*after reading the mission*

Inspector Gadget: "Let's go Penny! Bye Chief..."
*throws mission ball on Chief and it explodes*

*at China...*

So this is the end for this chapter and I hope that you really like it, I tried to make it longer than the previous one.
Stay tuned to see what will happen on the mission!
Till next time...

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