The hug

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Kayla: "Welcome back to today's episode of our show 'Talenny' !!!"

*Penny enters rushing to sit on the couch*

Penny: "Sorry for being late." *says while panting*
"...and where's Talon?"

Kayla: "You're not actually late..."

*awkward silence*

Kayla: "Um...ya I have this tattoo for you to put on before talon comes!"

Penny: "A real tattoo?!*

Kayla: "No, no just a fake one" *hands it to Penny*

*The tattoo is a heart with 'Talon Claw is my boyfriend written inside it'*

Penny: "NO WAY I'M PUTTING THAT ON!" *says with her face red*

Kayla: "It's a dare so you have to."


*Penny enters the bathroom and comes out with the tattoo visible on her arm*

Kayla: "Come here, sit on the couch."

Penny: "Okay."

*Moments later Talon enters the room with pink hair*

Kayla: "Here you are!" *says while trying not to laugh.*

Penny: "T-talon, your hair." *bursts into laughing*

Talon: "Hey! It was just a dare!" *says angrily*

*Talon sits beside Penny*

Talon: "What's that heart on your arm Pretty Penny?"

Penny: "Oh t-thats nothing."

Talon: "Well let me see."

Penny: "O-okay." *starts to blush*

Talon: "Oh, so I'm your boyfriend, huh?" *winks at her* "But is the tattoo real?"

Penny: *Blushes harder* "Actually no and it was ju-"

*and before Penny could complete her sentence Kayla cut her off*

Kayla: "So Penny, you ready for a question?"

Penny: "Sure..."

Kayla: "If Dr. Claw gave talon a portion that turned him into a frog, the only way to save him is to kiss him, would you kiss him?"

Penny: "Well..." *face turns super red* "I don't know."

Kayla: "That does't answer the question, Penny."

Penny: "YesIwouldkisshim" *she said very fast*

Talon: "Really Pretty Penny?" *blushes a little*

Penny: "Yes... So that I can kick your butt!"

*And before Talon could answer Kayla asked*

Kayla: "Talon, it's your turn for a question, ready?"

Talon: "I was born ready!"

*Drags Penny and whispers in her ears*

Penny: "Do I have to do this?"

Kayla: "Yup!"
"Anyway, back to you Talon, would you blush if Penny hugged yo-"

*Penny hugs Talon*

Talon: *Face turns red like a tomato*

Kayla: "Well, I guess this answers our question."

Talon: "Anywho, can we leave now?"

Penny: "Yes please we want to leave."

Kayla: "Just one last question."
"Do you two like each other?"

"No we don't like each other!" They both said at the same time.

Kayla: "You sure?"

Both: "Yes we are sure" *both blushing*

Kayla: "Well then, until next time!"

Thanks to TalennyTrench and Sarah548357 for providing these questions.
I hope that you are enjoying the story so far and if you have any suggestions to improve feel free to tell me.
And please ask questions in the comment section below.

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