All alone

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Kayla: "Welcome back to the show!"

Penny: "Ummm...why is Talon sleeping?"

Kayla: "It'll help us with our dare..."

Penny: "Which is...?"

Kayla: *whispers*

*Penny slowly walks to Talon and removes his hair gel from the bracelet while Kayla removes it from the bathroom*

NOTE: talon is sleeping in a large desert roomed theme with sand on the ground.The door is NOT visible

Talon: *Wakes up*
"Where am I?!"
*tries to get hair gel*
"And where's my hair gel?!!!!"
*looks around*
"Hey, anyone there?"
*gets up and starts to walk*

Creepy voice: "Hey Talon....You are NOT getting out of here unless you tell your deepest, darkest, secret!"

Talon: "And why exactly would I tell you my deepest secret?"

Creepy voice: "So you don't want to get out, huh?"
*Creepy laugh*
"You have 10 minutes to tell me the secret and if you don't you will be trapped here forever!"

*about 6 minutes later...*

Talon: "Fine..."
*blushes a little*
"It's not that dark though, I kinda have a secret crush on this really pretty girl, her name is Penny."
"Anywho, can I get out now?"

*Kayla enters*

Kayla: "Sure you can."
*cheesy smile*
"So you like Penny?"

Talon: *blushes for a second but then he gets angry*
"What was all that?" *says angrily*

Kayla: "A dare?"

Talon: "So all that was just a dare?????"

Kayla: "Yup..."

Talon: *Blushes*
" And did Penny hear anything?...."

Kayla: " In fact Penny was the one talking with the voice changer."

Talon: *blushes harder*
"Ummm... and where is she?"

Kayla: "There, hiding behind the couch." *points at her*

Penny: *waves while blushing*
"H-hi T-talon..."

Kayla: "Come out Penny I have a question for you!"

Penny: "Fine......"
*comes out and sits beside talon*

Kayla: "So Pen, tell us what is your favorite Talon disguise?"

Penny: "I think I like the alien costume..."
*blushes slightly*

*and before Talon could respond kayla started to talk*

Kayla: "Anyways, moving on next we have a dare for you Talon!"
*whisper in his ears*
"Got it?"

Talon: "Yea"

Kayla: "For this dare we are going to the pool."

Penny: "So shall we go get our swimming suits?"

Kayla: "No need, here I got you both."

*both go to change*

*they come out*

(Penny was wearing a teal bikini with a really cute design)

*at the pool*

Kayla: "Penny, wanna go in first?"

Penny: "Fine by me."

*once Penny reached the place to jump (I don't really know its name) she was pushed and fell in the pool*

Talon and Kayla: *laughing*

*Penny gets out*

*and as she was trying to punch Talon*

Talon: "Hey it's just a dare and do I need to remind you about what you did to me in the morning?"

Penny: *blushes*
"Yeah, and about that..."
*blushes harder*
"D-do you really l-like me???"
*blushes even harder*

*Kayla leaves*

Talon: *blushes*
"But do you like me?"

Penny: *while blushing*
"To be honest I kinda like you, but do NOT tell anyone!!!"

Talon: "Ok princess"
*kisses her on her cheek*

NOTE: Kayla was eavesdropping the whole conversation.

Thanks for reading and feel free to tell how to improve my story and ask questions, dares and pranks in the comments section below.

And I also have an announcement:
I am going on vacation (traveling) so I won't be able to update until like next month:(
Although I will try to at least publish a mini chapter if I can!
Till next time!

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