New feels

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It was so wrong, though it just felt so right....
Penny's POV.
I just slammed the door closed behind me and sat on my bed...

What just happened?!

Why did he kiss me, and most importantly why did I even like it???

I'll just try to act as if non of that happened...

*next morning*

I wake up to a girly kinda- high pitched voice, I open my eyes to see Kayla.

"Finally you're awake!" She exclaimed pulling me into a sitting position.

"Good morning Kayla!" I say smiling as the memory of yesterday came to my mind.

"Seems like you're pretty happy today." She says as she walks to the door.
"Oh, and we have a training at 11o'clock so don't be late!" She says as she goes outside my room leaving me alone again with Brain.

I went out to the kitchen for me and for Talon as well...

I got a tray and put our special soup (it was soup day) and then added some some fruits for Talon, for me I just heated up a leftover pizza slice.

Once I ate my pizza slice, I got Talon's tray and went to give it to him.

I opened the cell, entered it, and immediately closed the door behind me.

"Hey Penny." Talon says, but instead of using a charming voice, he sounded as if he was mad...

"I don't even see a reason for me to trust you." He snaps.

"I mean you see, we're enemies, if it wasn't you I wouldn't have been here in the first place!" He shouts raising his voice at the last part.

I try to hold up my tears, but I was about to leave, Talon pushed me making me drop his food tray on the floor.
I slap him, I slap him really hard on his face that it makes a loud sound.
I immediately run out of the cell, forgetting to close the cell's door behind me, I entered my room, sat on my bed and spilled my heart out crying...

Not a long time later I hear guards running in the corridor, probably chasing Talon, and then Kayla enters my room, she looks at me with concern and comes to sit beside me...

"What's wrong?" She asks pulling me into a half-hug, then pulling away and asking again.

"What's wrong Penny?" She asks petting Brain which is currently on my lap.

"T-talon." I say choking on his name.

"Oh, do you need me to kick his butt?" She says trying to make me laugh, which kind of works since I start to smile, still I frown agian.

"What did he do?" She asks sitting closer to me.

I explain to her everything, the kiss, the shouting and slapping.

But I didn't say one thing, little did he know I heard him earlier talking to himself in the room, he wanted to use me to make me trust him then betray me.

He's gonna regret it.


Thx for reading!
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Happy Halloween! ~nona.

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