Plans and surprises.

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Talon's POV.

I have a plan....

I will get Penny to trust me and then make her help me escape.
That way, I'd be betraying her but I'm evil right?

Penny's POV.

I can't believe it!
Kayla is finally an HQ agent.

Now time to see Talon...

*at Talon's cell*

I just go and sit on the chair in front of his cell, but he was sleeping.

He just looks so cute when he's sleeping.
Like why did he have to be a MAD agent...
Ugh! Stop it Penny.

Then he opened his eyes.

Talon's POV.

I opened my eyes just to see my Pretty Penny sitting there, the thought of betraying her just made me feel sick....

"I'am sorry for waking you up, I can leave if you want to sleep, it's late." She said as she started to get ready to leave.

"No, it's totally fine I was bored anyway, so how are you?" I replied in a sleepy-charming voice that mad her cheeks turn to a rosy color.

"F-fine, you know..." She said while looking down to her feet as she started to blush more.

Every time the plan comes to my mind I start to feel so bad about doing this.

Suddenly Penny got up and got close to my ear enough for her to whisper in my ears.

"I'll help you escape, but on one condition......" She whispered.

Finally managed to leave a cliffhanger for you guys ;)

Sorry for the short chap tho.

Till next time!

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