A pretty little secret (pt. 1)

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Guess who's back! 😝😝😝
I'm gonna start posing daily for about two weeks from now so,

Penny's POV.

"I've been planning this since a really long time, yup he'll definitely regret it so my plan is..." I said explaining it to Kayla.

"Gurl, now I feel bad for him..." She replied.

"Are you with me or what?" I ask her.

"Yes, but making him think you're dead? Isn't that a bit too much now?" She asked.

"That's not it Kayla.....I'll also send him anonymous threatening messages." I said as an evil grin creeped on my face.

"So when are you gonna start?" She asked.

"Tomorrow." I say confidently.

"Isn't that too soon?!" She screamed as she jumped in shock.

"Shhhhh! No one's supposed to know!" I said to her and looked at her.
"Promise me you'll keep this a secret...." I whispered with a pleading look.

Heyyy, I'm really sorry for this short chappie, but it's kind of a filler, thanks for reading and don't forget to vote!

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