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Recap time!

....tightly around my neck chocking me.


Penny's POV.

I try to escape from his grip, but it didn't work...

Slowly everything started to fade away, all my thoughts went away, then something started to ring and, I start to hear a voice speaking.

"Yes she's with me now,..... no she's not dead, she just passed out....okay, I'm coming.

That's all what the person said before ending the call, and the person sounded really similar to mine, which just increased my curiosity.

After being carried for sometime, I got thrown into something.
Was it a box, a truck?
Am I being KIDNAPPED now?

I need to get out of here immediately, I tried to move, but I just couldn't, it just felt like a was paralyzed....

Maybe it's just a prank, kind of like backfiring me...., but no one knew what I was planning to do,.... except for Kayla, and I trust her, so I don't think that she told anyone....

I don't know anymore, I guess I'll just have to wait and find out....

Yea, I know it's crappy and all, but hey, it's Christmas break and I was pretty busy visiting my family and all.
And my views are dropping with each update I make so I'm kinda sad.... is it something that I did????

Anyways, thx for reading!


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