A pretty little secret (pt. 2)

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*The next day*

Talon's POV.

And of course I didn't escape, these stupid agents caught me.....again.

I wonder what uncle Claw is doing now and hasn't he come to get me yet?

Dr. Claw's POV. (Bet you didn't expect that 😝)

Now that Talon is gone, I can finally get on with my plan, it's the most evil one I've ever made, well.... it's the only evil one I made.

So my plan is to get **** ***** to help me instead of Talon......

Penny's POV.

*8:50 am*

It's now time to start my plan, I got Kayla here to help me, so everyone is gonna think that I got killed.
I also wrote a note that's supposed to be from the killer and kept on my dresser.

"Hey whoever is reading this, I'm sorry to say that your lovely Penny is now DEAD...."

That's what the note said, me and Kayla also kept a body that looked like mine on the bed and we covered it with fake blood.

Now all that was left for me to do is to go stay in uncle Gadget's camping hut.
The small hut was supposed to be used for us to camp and make uncle Gadget relax but then it was left unused so I'll stay there for a while.
It's not so far away, so it would take me about 15 minutes to reach there.
Once I packed some snacks and got a couple clothes to change in, I was ready to go....

I opened the window and looked down to make sure the ladder that we placed there yesterday didn't fall, and much to my luck it was still there.
I said my goodbye Kayla and climbed down the ladder then started to jog towards the forest where the hut was, and soon enough I was there standing in front of it, and honestly it wasn't that hard getting there since I had the location set on my code-x.

Once I opened the door, the place was surprisingly clean, and not dusty as I expected it to be...
Maybe Chief Quimby came just to clean it.....

*5:00 pm*

It's been a while now, I wonder how others reacted to my "death".
I feel a bit guilty, since only Kayla knows about this all the others may actually think that I'm dead, may be it's just not worth it after all.....

About a minute later, I hear footsteps, and as seconds started to pass they were getting louder, suddenly all the lights got turned off and the footsteps stopped.

"Is anyone here?" I ask my voice a bit shaky.

But instead of hearing an answer, I felt a hand on my mouth and nose blocking the air from entering my body and an other hand was wrapped tightly around my neck chocking me.....

Heyyy there,
I'm really sorry for leaving it here as a cliffhanger but, if you want to know how Talon and the others reacted to Penny's death and what will happen to Penny, be sure to read the next chappie.

Until next time

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