Surprise! (pt 1)

554 13 4

Penny's POV.

I don't remember what happened after I was dumped- into a truck probably- I open my eyes and try to move my hand and...
It moved, I'm not paralysed anymore!'s really dark, I don't get up, instead I crawl into what seemed to be a door, and hit my head, but it opened so it was worth it anyways.

The room on the other side of the door was lit, really brightly my I add.


very important please read

A/N: Hello, I know I haven't updated this book in forever but I unfortunately lost my will I complete it???

Maybe, and for people annoyed at the way I made the characters act and that I 'apologize' a one is forcing you to read the book.

And no I'm not one of those authors who write books and leave them incomplete, actually I have a book which is complete and you could even go check it in my works if you'd like to.

I also really thank everyone who supported me write this book,

Ps: If I'm not completing the book, I'll post a small chapter explaining what was supposed to happen and how it was supposed to end...

Ugh this was supposed to be a small not and I ended up ranting >~<

Byeeeee~ Nona

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