No escape...

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I'm sooo sorry for not posting in a while as school started and I had to study...
Back to the story.

Talon's POV.

Now, all I have to do is just wait...

*about 3 hours later*

Finally its 4:00 am, I guess everyone is asleep...

I slowly started to carve in the wall where the window is placed...(I used the knife, I got at lunch)

Once I finally got the four sides around the window removed, now all what was left to do was just get the window out, I turned to get the knife which I previously placed on the floor.

But when I turned around all I could see was Penny standing holding the knife in her hand, shit,...

Penny's POV.

I woke up to a weird sound that was coming from outside...

I got outside just to see Talon putting a knife on the floor then he just stood there facing the window...
I got closer slowly making sure it wasn't a trap, once I got close enough I grabbed the knife and stood there just waiting for him to turn around.

And once he actually did, I popped a question,

"Looking for this Mad Boy?" I asked him holding the knife in my hand.

"I nearly got out, why did you come now?" He asked.

"In fact, I just saved you!" I replied.

"And how is that?" He asked in reply.

"Well,...if you moved that window, the alarm systems would go on... so technically you could've been caught and placed in a more secure cell."

Talon's POV.

Of course, I'm sooo stupid!

"Fine!" I pouted.

"I can have lunch with you today."
"I-I mean that's if you want if course!" She said.

"I have no problem with that." I replied.

Ugh... I just need to find a way to get out of here!

"Fine, I'll go get you something to eat." She said.

I guess joining the HQ wouldn't be so bad after all, right?

About 15 minutes later she came and brought with her a plate which had some pancakes and another plate which had an egg and bacon.

While for her she just took an apple.
No wonder she stays fit...

"Thanks pen!" I said

"You're welcome..." She replied blushing a little.

"So have you decided what you want?" She asked.

"Well, I........."


Thx sooo much for reading, I can't believe that my story just hit 700 reads, this is sooo amazing, thank you😭🙈❤️
You can as well check out my other story.

Till next time!

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