A choice.

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"So have you decided what you want?" She asked.

"Well, I........."

Talon's POV.

Oh no...
What do I say now?

Shall I join the HQ or just figure to escape on my own?

"So...." Penny said while snapping her fingers, making me snap out of my thoughts.

And without any thinking I pulled her closer, so close that I got a glimpse of her scent.
She smelled like...

Penny's POV.

"So..." I said snapping my fingers, as I guess Talon zoned out.

Instead of replying her just pulled me closer, so close that I could feel the warmth of his breath tingling my neck...

"T-talon..." I said trying to pull away from him, but his hold was really strong on me.

"I want you..." He whispered with his warm breath on my neck.

And before I could even reply his lips were already pressed over mine...
I tried to stop myself from kissing back..., but I just gave up....
His lips were so soft, it was impossible to resist those lips.

Talon's POV.

And before she could reply I pressed my lips onto hers, she didn't move at the beginning, but soon enough our lips were moving in sync.
Her lips were so soft and sweet, even sweeter than sugar.

We broke the kiss panting as we were both out of breath...

I stared into her sea-blue eyes as she stared into my chocolate-brown.
Even though it was just a moment, it felt like an eternity. I wish that it could have lasted longer but she just looked away with red-crimson cheeks...

Not long later she closed the cell and ran to her room slamming the door closed behind her.

What did just happen????

The feeling of her lips crashed on mine...
It was so wrong, though it just felt so right....
Thank you sooooo much for 1k.
I can't believe it so thx sooo much...
And I'm trying to update a lot but it's pretty hard for me since I have school.


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