A new prisoner

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*while Talon was flying away*

Talon: "I always escape and fly, she will never catch m-"

*gets trapped in a large blob*

Chief Quimby: "Aaaand we finally caught you mad agent!"
*says while pointing at Talon*
"Penny will be so happy about this..."

*At the HQ centre*

Chief Quimby: "Penny, I have good news for you!"

*Penny enters to his office*

Penny: "Yes Chief?" *smiles widely*

Chief Quimby: "Isn't that mad agent that's been helping out Dr. Claw all the time?"
*he says while pointing at Talon in his cell*

Note: Talon is not in the blob he is now in a cell where he can walk and talk.

Penny: *feels a sharp pain that strikes her whole body as she looks at her love Talon...*
*her smile then starts to fade away*

Chief Quimby: "Is there any thing wrong Penny?"

Penny: "N-no, I-i just need some time alone."
*her face starts to become pale*
*as she walks to her room, she feel guilty about Talon*

Note: the words in the brackets are just thoughts.

Penny: (Wasn't that the right thing to do, I mean Talon is evil right?)
"Ugh, I don't know what to do Brain."
*tears start to form in her eyes*
"I messed up so bad."
"I mean Brain, what if they kill him?"

Brain: *sighs*

Penny: *starts to cry in her pillow*

Brain: *rubs her back*

Penny: *gets up with Brain following her*

*at Talon's cell*

*Penny sits in the chair in front of his cell*

*the cell was clean ,there was a bed, a toilet and, a T.V*

Penny: *starts to cry*
"I-i'm sorry Talon..." *sobs*
*continues to cry*

Talon: *looks at her speechless and not knowing what to say*
"It's not even your fault."
*he says with a very tired low voice*

Penny: "Y-you need to sleep n-now..."
*runs away to her room while crying more and more*


Thanks so much for reading!
Stay tuned to find out what happens next!
Till next time!

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