A New member.

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*The next morning....*

Penny wakes up with red puffed eyes since she was crying last night.

Penny's POV.

Ugh, why did he have to be cute! I thought.

Gotta go take a shower... I will probably have to stop Dr. Claw. I thought.

*time skip/ after shower*( ya ya... Sorry I'm quite lazy😝)

Still Penny's POV.

I'll just get dressed up and go to train with Brain for a while. I thought.

Oh, I almost forgot!
Kayla's gonna get qualified for being a beginner agent.
I hope that she passes. I thought again...

Note: the sentences without speech marks are just thoughts.

*in the training room*

"Brain, side kick!" I shouted.

As soon as I shouted Brain kicked the MAD henchmen.

A while later the training was done and it was time for Kayla's qualification.

I had to go but I also wanted to go to see Talon, honestly I didn't want him to be trapped.

I think I'll go to see Kayla then check up on Talon.

*at Chief Quimby's office*

"We're here today to celebrate our new agent Kayla." The Chief said.

There was a big cake on the chief's office along with Kayla's picture on it.

*after the celebration*

Talon's POV.

I miss my pretty Penny, though I didn't want to be trapped here but I'll get to see Penny everyday and convince her to help me escape out of here.

I have a plan....

Sorry for not posting in a while, I try to post as much as I can when I get internet.

Till next time...


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