Different lifes.

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Kayla: "Welcome back to the show!"

*Penny and Talon enter together*

Kayla: "So you two came together?" *smiles big*

*Kayla and Talon look at Penny*

Penny: "What...the gadget mobile is getting fixed."

Kayla: "Fine then, whatever you say."
"Anyways, first we will start off with some would you rather questions."

"Kay" *Penny and Talon said together then slightly blushed*

Kayla: "Would you rather have the best object in the world or the best friends in the world?"

Penny: "Honestly I would have the best friends in the world."

Kayla: "And Talon?"

Talon: "Of course I would have the best object to be the ruler of the world."

Penny: "Typical Talon..." *sighs*

Kayla: "The next questions says, would you rather be able to get invisible or would you rather be able to fly?"

Penny: "I would love to fly to go wherever I want fast."

Talon: "While I would like to be invisible so that I can steal stuff and spy on people..." *cheesy smile*

Kayla: "Okay, now onto the next question which is, would you rather have a pool of marshmallows or a pool of M&M's?"

Penny: "I would love to have a pool of marshmallows, they're just too good."

Talon: "Actually I don't agree, as I think M&M's are better."

Kayla: "The last question says, would you rather interrupt a class or interrupt a school play..."

Talon: "I would interrupt a class as it would be less embarrassing than interrupting a whole school play."

Kayla: "What about you Penny?"

Penny: "I agree with him..."

Kayla: "Finally you both agreed on one thing!" *sighs* "Anyways, now I have some questions for the both of you, ready?"

Talon: "I'm always ready!"

Kayla: "The first question is what is your favorite hobby?"

Talon: "Planning evil plans, duh!"

Kayla: "What about you Penny?"

Penny: "I really like to swim."

Kayla: "Favorite subjects?"

Penny: "My favorite subject is art."

Talon: "I don't really have a favorite subject, though I will go with sports."

Kayla: "Now here's a question for Penny."
"What's your favorite Talon one liner?"

Penny: *blushes a little* "Um....I really like it when he says 'hey pretty penny'..." *blushes more*

Kayla: "Kay, now a question for Talon."
"What went through your mind when you first saw Penny?"

Talon: *blushes* "Well, to be honest I thought that she was really pretty and adorable..." *blushes more*

Penny: *blushes hard* "You really think that I'm pretty?" *looks away while blushing more*

Talon: *looks away blushing*

Kayla: "Awww...look at you two, you look so cute together."

*Talon and Penny blush even harder*

Kayla: "Well I think that's it for today, till next time!"

I hope that you're enjoying the story so far feel free to tell me how to improve it.
And please ask questions, dares and pranks.
Bye xoxo~nona

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