Mini chapter-1

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Hi everyone so as I said in the the last chapter that I would be doing some mini chapters so here's the first one...
These chapters are not part of the show, they mainly show how Talon and Penny treat each other after their confession, so enjoy!

*still at the pool*

*after the cheek kiss*

Kayla: *walks to them*
"OMG! Did you just kiss Penny???" *asks with a big smile*

Talon and Penny: *faces become red like a tomato*

Talon: "Only on the cheek!" *blushes harder*

Kayla: "I knew you two like each other."

Penny: "Fine Kayla, but promise that you won't tell anyone!"

Kayla: "I promise..."

*later at Penny's*

Note: the brackets means that she is thinking.

Penny: (Well that was unexpected today...)
(I wonder what will uncle gadget do if he knew.)
(I'm not telling him for now)

*at Talon's*

Talon: (I can't believe that she likes me!) *very happy*
(But if uncle claw knew, he would totally freak out) *smile faints*
(Guess I won't be telling him for now...) *sighs*
(I gotta sleep for now.)

*the next day...*

I know that it is very short though don't expect it to be long as it is just a MINI chapter...
Anyways, you can ask questions and I will try to put them in the next chapters.
And I would like to know if you like them that way or if I should change it.
So till next time!

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