entrance exams☆

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unedited☆゚. * ・ 。゚

You walk up to the prestigious school in this dumb ass uniform. Okay, so it really wasn't that dumb. Secretly, you had always wanted to wear a Japanese school uniform. You had worn one in the 7th grade for Halloween and got dress coded for the short skirt, though. Americans, man.

Kids your age of every shape and size filtered into the gate, leading to the glass buildings. The campus was quite beautiful, you could admit that tenfold as you distractedly admired the cherry blossoms.

Your lack of concentration, caused you to trip as somebody bumped into you from behind, not stopping to apologize.

"Hey, ass-hat, didn't anyone teach you fucking manners?" You shouted after the boy with spiky blonde hair and sagging pants. He slowly, murderously turned to you, glaring at you with blood red eyes.

"Maybe if you didn't doze off in the middle of the damn walkway, it wouldn't have happened." He turned without another word, and you released a string of expletives from your mouth as you dusted off your now-dirty uniform.

	You quirked your eyebrow, and somehow the ground in front of him rifted a bit, causing him to trip and face plant

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You quirked your eyebrow, and somehow the ground in front of him rifted a bit, causing him to trip and face plant. You strode next to him, and chided him, jokingly stating, "Maybe if you didn't space in the middle of the bloody walkway, that wouldn't have happened."

You didn't spare a second glance, following the stream of giggling students into the building, not missing the curses he threw your ways. He tripped again, what a clumsy boy.


You sighed, propping your feet up on the back of the person in front of yours chair as you sat in the dark auditorium. A girl sat next to you, and you could feel her gaze intensely locked onto the side of your head.

"Yeah?" You snapped your head to her and she jumped a bit. She was fairly plain looking, brunette bob with big hopeful eyes. Wonder what her quirk was.

"Oh, hi, I'm Ochako Uraraka! Are you the transfer student from America?" Her mouth was like a waterfall of words, the kinda girl that once she started talking about something she felt passionate about, there was no shutting her up. You could respect that.

"Yeah, that's me. I'm (Y/N)(L/N)." You emitted a small friendly smile, to deter the harshness of your tone.

"Wow, cool name! You speak Japanese so fluently, I wouldn't be able to tell you weren't born here if it wasn't for your accent, not that your accent is a bad thing it's just-" You could tell she was nervous, but before you could cut her off, the announcer did it for you.

"Welcome one and all to my live show!" The pro-hero present mic walked onto stage, lighting up the room. "Everybody say HEEEEEY!" He encouraged the crowd, but nobody replied. Tough crowd.

"I've got shivers down my spine, too, listeners! Alright, examinees, I'm gonna give you the low-down on how this'll go down. ARE YOU READY!?" Again, no answer. The crowd was grave silent. You would speak up, but you didn't feel like it.

"Are you nervous?" The girl, Ochako, whispered to me. She was clutching her skirt so tight, her knuckles were turning white. So to comfort her, you replied with an of course. Some kid a row or two ahead of up was muttering to himself, but you didn't mind.

Present Mic explained the exam: You were to be split up in groups determined by a card that was given to us upon arrival, and were put into a replica city to fight off 3 different types of robots all containing a different amount of points. Pretty simple, really.

You would worry about other students finding out about your quirk, but it wasn't a problem. You had spoken to the school and explained your circumstances, and you were to complete the exam in a private facility. Seeing as you didn't have to compete against other students, however, they decided it would only be fair to crank up the difficulty: Half the time, double the robots. There would also be fake civilians to protect. Fair enough.

A kid stood up, having a question, which snapped you out of your daze. He went off complaining about how the card had 4 robots instead of 3 and how this was a heinous mistake that could not be overlooked, and about how the kid near him was mumbling too much.

"Jeez, you want some help pulling that street lamp outta your ass?" The crowd fell silent, all attention turning to you. You shrunk in your seat, clenching your jaw shut. You didn't think you were that loud.

"Excuse me?!?!" The guy was freaking out.

"Shit, did I say that out loud?" You forced a laugh, rubbing the back of your neck. After a few seconds, the entire crowd let out a roaring laughter. The kid who was complaining looked like he was about to burst an artery and Present Mic looked upset that the crowd was laughing at something as simple as "did i say that out loud?"

"Echem - to answer you question-" Present Mic explained the mystery robot. There was definitely something more there. 0 points? Sure. You couldn't really pay attention to the rest of the spiel, distracted by all the students turning to look at you and then whispering to their friends.

You caught a few of the whispers, "Who is she? Is she American? She's really pretty. Eh, not my type. I wonder what her quirk is?" The last one made you sink farther into your seat, grabbing Ochako's attention. She pat your shoulder in reassurance. In reality, it was an invasion of your space but it was just Ochako. She wouldn't do anything to hurt you. You warily smiled up at her. Soon enough, the crowd was released and you tried to follow the directions to the private battle arena.


You panted heavily, resting your hands on your knees. You nearly dry-heaved, you overworked yourself. You hadn't used your quirk for anything more than small things for over a year, and your body wasn't used to the 0-100 switch.

Broken robot parts laid around you, some stuck in the ground with their upper torsos knocked off, some with missing heads, some melted, some short-circuited, and some completely decimated. With a minute left on the clock, you had destroyed all the robots, accruing a grand total of 150 points, plus extra points for rescuing all the faux-civilians.

You fell to the ground, laying on your back and breathing heavily as the buzzer went off and the doors opened.

(3rd person POV - Viewing Room)

"I can see why she'd want to conceal her powers from her peers and the general public." Nedzu mused, leaning forward on his paws while watching the girl seemingly effortlessly destroy the robots without greatly harming the buildings around her, and gracefully saving the fake civilians.

"Yes, but if she wants to be a hero-" All Might began, but was cut off by he maybe-dog, maybe-mouse principal.

"She'd shared that she would like to be fully trained to fight against possible villains who may want to recruit her before revealing her power. Otherwise, her friends may be put into troublesome roles before she knew how to fight them off." Nedzu explained, earning a collective sound of understanding from the teachers.

"You'd think with a quirk for all 4 elements like her, she wouldn't worry about not being able to protect her friends and family." Aizawa muttered from the back of the room.

"Well, see, that's the thing. Her quirk is much more, er, complicated than that, and she's had a history with losing control, which you'd know if you read her file, Aizawa."   

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