the trial of battle 2/2☆

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Unedited ☆゚.*  Disclaimer ; I suck at battle scenes lmao

  "Okay, but why aren't the alarms going off?" I questioned, only to be met with no answer. I didn't blame 'em, everyone was freaking out. Remembering that I had stuffed my phone in my back pocket, unlike most of the people here who were wearing their hero costumes, I reached to my back pocket. Yep, still there.

"No. 13, I'm counting on you!" Aizawa shouted before hopping down to the villains. Idiot was going to get himself killed.

Anyways, I pull out my phone, and as expected, I had no service. But, there was a text that popped up on my screen. Must have been sent before we lost service. The text was fairly disturbing, "ill c u soon, (n/n)" from an anonymous number. What was odd about it was the nickname they used. Nobody had called me that since like, the fifth grade. There was no way anybody here knew about it, but I had severed all the ties from America. Nobody there even had my new number.

"Incredible...! I forgot one-on-group battle is sensei's specialty!" I heard Deku marvel next to me, and I quickly shoved the phone into my back pocket, zipping it in.

"This is no time for analysis! We've got to evacuate!" Iida called as he ran down the long path which led to the doors. Right, evacuation.

I began to jog behind them, hitting Deku's head when he didn't budge. He seemed to snap out of it, trailing closely behind me. We all came to a screeching halt, however, when a large black...warp? Appeared in front of us in the blink of an eye. I tripped a bit, stumbling straight into Bakugou's back. He turned to me with a glare, but didn't get the chance to complain before the warp (??) began to speak.

"Greetings. We are the Villain Alliance." This caught my attention, and I quickly looked down, trying to shield my face. These were the guys that made me move to Japan in the first place, did they follow me here or what?

"I apologize for the pre-sumption but we took it upon ourselves to enter Yuuei Academy, the base of heroes in order to engage with Mr. all Might, The 'Symbol of Peace'. We were wondering if we might be allowed the opportunity to extinguish him, you see. Was Mr. All Might not meant to be in attendance at this juncture? Perchance, has something been altered? Ah well... Setting that aside.... This is my role." The dark warp finished up his villainous spiel as Kirishima whispered something to Bakugo, who nodded.

"Don't you dare." I whispered to them, but all I got was a wink from Kirishima as the two FUCKING IDIOTS announced their battle cries, attempting to attack a literal warp, the fucking idiots. Sometimes I really can't deal with them. Most of the time, really.

Of course, they failed, not hitting a solid body but a fucking warp. Idiots.

"It's no use, just run! RUN, YOU TWO!" When they didn't move, I groaned, grabbing the two idiots by their collars and begging to run the opposite direction, trying to find a way around the guy.

"YOU WILL BE SCATTERED." The warp boomed evilly, his being covering all of us in blackness. "AND TORTURED." Egads, that did not sound fun. "And slain." He added in for pure fun, a great guy really. 10/10.

I hadn't let go of Bakugo and Kirishima, and before I knew it, we were hurtling towards the ruin zone. I panicked for a split second before acting, shoving air underneath us. It was too rash, so we hit the ground with a light thump, but it was nothing compared to what it would have been if I didn't act.

"Oh-ho-ho, look who decided to show..." I jumped to my legs, springing into fighting position along with the two other boys as they coughed and panted. The voice had come from an evil-looking guy who was leaning against a jagged metal beam. Just thinking of accidentally landing on that and being skewered like a kebab - wasn't fun. I shook the idea from my head and began to strategize.

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