heat wave☆

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The heat wave in Japan was unprecedented. It wasn't much hotter than the hottest it got in America sometimes, but there was a big difference between Japan and America. Two small letters that were more important to me than any other: AC.

That's right, people didn't invest in air conditioners in Japan, especially not in the city, seeing as it rarely got this hot. Except for the times when they did, which left everyone massively fucked.

I realized that I was laying in a puddle of my own sweat, so I'm going to take a break from this inner monologue, and do something proactive for once. I grunted while getting up, knees and joints cracking. I thought I was supposed to be a pro hero, not a grandmother.

Padding to my room, I shucked off the tank top and sweats I had put on in what could only be described as utter stupidity, and opted for a bikini and a pair of shorts. My relationship has been rocky in the past week with bikinis, i'll admit that. But it was the only choice, unless I wanted to lounge around naked, which I would be all for if I had cleaned the house.

My mom took my being away on some island as an excuse to take off to some exotic country, some 'well deserved alone time'. I bet they had ACs where she was. But anyways, i never really noticed how messy I was until my mom wasn't there to clean my shit up anymore. I realized this while stepping over a half empty box of cap'n crunch, two mismatching socks, and a pair of undies that were covered in crumbs.

So, lounging in a bikini it was. I tied my hair up and made my way to the kitchen, stepping over laundry and trash.

Now, I must admit, where Japan lacks in Air Conditioning, they make up in popsicles. I grabbed a Suika bar from the freezer, and rejoiced. The cool treat was better than sex, not that I'd know.

Flash forward five minutes, and you'll see me looking like the queen of fucking fan land, having gathered all the fans in my house to the living room, which was the only clean(ish) part of the house. It was like the mecca of fans, all blowing on me as I lounged, on my second Suika bar.

However, my truly spiritual experience was cut short as a booming knock rattled my front door, and spooked me enough that I dropped my popsicle onto my chest. I huffed in annoyance and plopped the popsicle back into my mouth, trying to wipe off the sticky juice with my fingers and lick it off.

"You better be Gahndi or God himself if you expect me to forgive you for making me drop my fucki- oh, hi Katsuki." I began shouting, but realized it was just my trigger happy friend. He was wearing a black wife beater and swim shorts, completed with a towel over his shoulder, flip-flops, and his own popsicle.

"Come on, we're going to the public pool." He stated, not even waiting for an answer.

"And pass up on my amazing setup?" I questioned, motioning my hands to the elaborate fan-topia I had built. I spoke too soon, however, as the power to my house shut off.

It took me a few seconds to really recognize the severity of the situation, but as I realized the fridge had lost power to, I started panicking (rightfully so).

"SHIT! This is bad, this is really really bad." I shoved my popsicle into Katsuki's hand and sprinted to the living room, or at least attempting to, before slipping on a sock and face planting. The funny thing is: this isn't the first time this has happened while Katsuki was in my house. What's more is that I'm pretty sure it's the same damn sock.

"What's wrong, is somebody on fucking life support in here or something?" Katsuki asked, looking at the melting popsicle in disdain.

"Worse, I have 3 packs of Suika bars and 2 packs of gari-gari kun!" I called over my shoulder while ripping the fan's plugs from the sockets, before realizing I could have simply unplugged the extension cable.

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