silent prayers☆

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A/N: The moment you've all been waiting for ;) Sorry if there's a lot of mistakes, I'm half asleep TBH. Enjoy anyways :)


The sound of my metal chair screeching against the concrete floor as I stood up in a flash broke the silence as Archer stared at me as a cat stares at a mouse. He didn't say anything; he didn't have to. His eyes said it all. The cruel clinical blue that I once fawned over, the ones that bore into me that night, the ones that had haunted me ever since.

    I stumble a bit, trying to find purchase in a wall or anything really, my knees feeling weak. I knew the match had started, and nobody would be looking for me. I knew that the sounds of the blasts and the crowd cheering would mute any call for help I would make. Just like before, just like the thumping bass that muted any of the weak sounds I could manage.

    "Oh oh oh, where are we going so quickly, (n/n)?" His smile grew as he stepped forward towards me. Even though we still had a dozen or so feet standing between us, his very presence made me feel trapped. I began to feel my lungs constrict, making my breath stagger. I wasn't any stronger than I was before.

    "Wha-." I began, but my voice caught in my throat. I let out a shaky breath, swallowing thickly before continuing.

    "What do you want from me, Archer? Money?" I questioned in an almost begging-like way. I knew it wasn't money he wanted, I wished it was. His glare didn't show money-lust however, that was bloodlust if I had ever seen it. Even Bakugou couldn't pull off such a bloodthirsty gaze. Bakugou. Why is he clouding my mind? Even at a time like this?

    A booming laugh filled every corner of the room, and it wasn't a pretty one. It was like a hyena, and it sent shivers down my spine as I yelped silently, pushing myself farther back with the little strength I could muster.

    "Money? You really think money could fix everything you so carelessly ruined? You ruined my life, (Y/N)." His voice grew increasingly louder, and he took a small step closer with every second. He was too close, I was too vulnerable. Why was I freezing? Use your quirk.

    I lifted my hand, planning on shooting him away with air, but nothing happened. I stared at my palm in confusion, knitting my eyebrows together.

    "Ah, not so fast (n/n), I'd like you to meet my friend Rachel." He smiled sadistically, throwing his arm to the girl who had entered the room at some point. My heart clenched at the side of my old best friend, who was currently wrapping her gum around her little finger, before popping it back into her mouth and blowing a bubble.

    "Ra-Rachel?" I stutter out, mentally cursing myself. Since when do I stutter?

    "Don't be so surprised. I'm a late bloomer, not everyone else can be perfect like you." She sneered and I cringed a bit, sinking farther back. I gasped silently as my back hit the wall, and I realized I had cornered myself with Rachel blocking off my quirk and Archer blocking off my path.

    "Her quirk blocks out anybody she's wants power within 5 meters of her, so don't try anything." He glared down at me an I gulped for air, suddenly feeling very light headed. I felt like a fish out of water, eyes darting back and forth, trying to find out an escape. If only I had a future diary or something. I almost chuckled at my own reference, before mentally punching myself. Now is not the time, (Y/N).

    As Archer closed in on me and nobody was showing up, I panicked. Deciding the only way to leave was running, I faked Archer out to the left by side-stepping and then within the blink of an eye, I switched right and ran under his outstretched arm. He tripped and stumbled a bit as I almost reached the door. Rachel didn't seem to care to move, which wasn't a good thing.

SELF/CONTROL (katsuki bakugou x reader)Where stories live. Discover now