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Unedited ☆゚.*・

A/N: Wow! Okay! We're doing this! You probably don't want to read this Author's Note with the new chapter and everything, and that's fine by me, I just felt the need to explain my long (very long) absence. I've been very sick, but ya girl's finally officially in remission as of last night :) hopefully this time it will stay that way. I have many MANY more chapters planned out, so stick around. I'll try to stay consistent with updating, but with my life, don't be surprised if I'm gone for a few weeks at a time. I love you all, and opening wattpad to 1,000+ notifications and messages meant the whole world to me. I may have shed a few tears. ANYWAYS, enough w the cheeziness. Enjoy the chapter! (I'm a little rusty,  so it's probably shitty, but give me a break.)

 It was the second time this year I've woken up in the place I hate most, the hospital. I blinked slowly while I was coming to, analyzing the grooves in the ceiling. It didn't take me all to long to recall the previous events, I had a punctured lung, internal bleeding, and a pretty bad concussion. But it wasn't as bad as other students, at least I didn't get- panic sprang back alive as I remembered Katsuki's disappearance.

I sat up quickly, ripping the IVs out of my arm. Blood began to blossom, running down my arms and onto the white blankets, but I didn't care. I scanned the room, finding Deku in a bed across from mine.

I picked up my pillow from behind me, chucking it at the sleeping boy. I sucessfully hit his head, and his eyes opened in confusion, slowly taking in his surroundings.

"Hey, Deku, what the fuck happened?" I hissed, trying to blot at the blood that was escaping the holes in my arms. He coughed a bit, sitting up himself to look at me.

"What do you mean?" He rasped and I felt my anger grow.

"'What do I mean?' I mean where the fuck is Katsuki. How could you let him go like that?" I pressed, abandoning my previous attempts of controlling my blood loss.

"We did everything we could, (Y/N)." I shook my head, cringing at my neck as it cracked.

"Don't give me that. Of course you didn't give it everything you could. If you did, he would still fucking be here. And you know why? Because none of you understand him. He's gone because nobody understands how fucking amazing he is and he's gone now. He could be dead, Deku! He could be dead and I never got to tell him I love him god FUCKING damnit!" I don't know when, but somewhere during the rant, I had begun sobbing and the rest of the students came in. I hiccuped on another sob, the tears mixing with the blood that had stopped flowing finally.

"At least you finally admit it." A familiar voice piped up, and I turned to see Kirishima standing near the door.

"Shut up pebble head." I chuckled a little, coughing when the air caught in my throat. The atmosphere of the room calmed down a little, my bottle up emotions escaping throught the windows.

"It's not fair to say we didn't try, (Y/N). It was crazy out there, even you fainted." Ochako pointed out and my shoulder slumped, recalling the unfortunate turn of events.

"It's not because I didn't try, some pathetic pussy attacked me from behind and knocked me out." I defended, crossing my arms in front of my chest.

"Who?" Denki asked, and I shrugged to show that I had no idea.

"Must've been one of the villians, right?" I asked, stretching out my arms that were covered in dried blood.

"He's not dead, (Y/N)." Kirishima comforted and I turned to him. How could he know?

"Todoroki and I, we overhead Momo talking to Allmight and the police. We have a plan." My eyes widened and I listened excitedly as Kirishima and Todoroki explained about the tracking device.

"Okay, so what are we waiting for? Let's go!" I jumped out of bed, heart monitor falling off. The machine next to me emitted a long beep, signaling that I had 'flatlined'. Nurses burst in the room, ready to take action, only to find me standing there like a dope.

Despite all my protests, I was tranquilized and put back into bed rest. Which was good, because I wouldn't be able to rest any other way than being heavily medicated.

Midoriya jogged downstairs, making sure to avoid the nurses. He reached the front of the hospital, meeting up with Momo, Kirishima, Iida and Todoroki. He could hear Iida's boisterous shouts from a mile away, and worried he would blow their cover.

"What do you mean (Y/N) forced you to give her the tracker?" He shouted, waving his hands about as if they were on fire.

"She showed up at my room earlier in a hoodie and sunglasses, and she was quite convincing. And when I wouldn't comply, she *threatened* me." Momo explained. Of course, (Y/N) didn't *really* threaten her, but it made Momo sound less of a traitor, according to (Y/N).

I stood near the front door, listening carefully. Only a bunch of idiots would have no guards. More likely, they're very confident in their power. Big mistake.

Once I heard a break in the never ending dialogue, I gathered my wits and lifted a hand to knock on the door. When my fist collided with the cold metal, a pronounced dent formed. I gulped.

"Pizza delivery!" My voice was the most casual it could be, you know, for somebody who's heart beat was racing faster than Usain Bolt. I heard grunts of confusion and hushed voices inside, and after a few moments of impatience, I lifted my leg and kicked the door out of its socket, sending it slamming harshly onto the concrete floor.

It was like the biggest plot twist in history, almost everyone's face contorting into a mixture of confusion and aggravation, and hopefully, fear. Well, everyone that had a face.

Shigaraki's voice cut through the almost-silent whispers of confusion like a freshly sharpened blade.

"How nice of our guest of honor to finally show up." He voice was nearly monotone, yet one of the most sinister sentences I've ever had the displeasure of hearing.

"Himiko, you can dispose of him now. He's done his job as bait perfectly." She was at Katsuki's throat with a blade before I could even comprehend what was happening.


It's short, and a cliffhanger, so you probably hate me.  

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