situationship ☆

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    The first day back to school is always depressing, no matter how short or long the break is. Both Katsuki and I walked at the pace zombies would to school, probably resulting in us being late again. Our walking to school together and home had become a tradition that went without saying, every morning we met up in front of the Starlight Diner where I worked, and where Katsuki saw me topless for the first (but strangely not last) time.

    We walked in silence today, but unlike before it wasn't awkward stiff silence. It was comfortable silence, the silence you have around someone when you don't feel any pressure to impress.

    It wasn't always like that, obviously. It was weird looking back on this year so far, all that's happened. I mean shit, the number of times I've fainted this semester must have been in the double digits by now. But the strangest development was that of Katsuki and I's friendship (or lack thereof in the beginning) Where was the line that divided enemies or acquaintances and friends? And when did we cross it? It wasn't one exact event, I don't think. But then again, I've never had amazing memory.

    Something I do remember, however, was what Momo said when she overheard us facetiming while I was in Okinawa. It consisted of Katsuki making fun of me for losing my top and me making fun of his dumb hair.

    Momo came in and said (I'm paraphrasing) "Wow, you really tamed the beast." to which I replied, "I didn't change him at all, I just accepted him for him." It was cheesy but it was true. I often thought about why Katsuki didn't have a girlfriend or a lot of friends. I mean, he is really hot, the hottest guy in our class even. He's ripped as hell, and has an amazing quirk and once you really dig, a great personality too. But that's the thing, I don't think he lets anybody dig down to find that personality, except for me. And I'm not even that deep yet.

    It's hard being friends with him and knowing that he wants so much more comfort and reassurance and validation than he lets on. Anyone who really knew him knew that he wasn't an asshole, he's just hurt and puts up walls which I understand because I do the same thing. Hurt people hurt people.

    But anyways, let's stop the internal dialogue, Katsuki's saying something.

    "I'd rather marry Deku than go to class right now." Katsuki bitched, groaning in annoyance.

    "Really? Because that means you'd have to wake up to his face every single morning. You'd have to sleep in the same bed and probably-" I was stopped by a large and rough hand clamping over my mouth.

    "Okay I get it." After a few seconds of him not letting go, I smirked against his palm and stuck my tongue out, licking his hand.

    "WHAT THE SHIT! Did you just lick my fucking hand?" He growled, shaking his hand in the air frantically as if a bird had shit on it. I just shrugged, smirk still on my face.

    "I always knew you weren't a marrying kinda guy." I discreetly pushed, wanting to find out more on his view of relationships.

    "It's not that I don't want to get married, I just don't want to get married to Deku." He said Deku's name the same way someone would say diarrhea or snot or some icky shit.

    "I get it, I wouldn't want to marry him either." I agreed.

    "In fact, I'd rather kiss the Sludge Villain than marry Deku." I joked, tilting my head up to see the cherry blossoms.

    "You would be into something like that." He quipped. I scoffed.

    "I am not." I rebutted like a 5 year old, punching him lightly on his arm.

SELF/CONTROL (katsuki bakugou x reader)Where stories live. Discover now