an explanation☆

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Unedited ☆゚.*  + does anyone else like live/acoustic versions more than the originals or is it just me LOL


I was released from the hospital two days later, and that was with me constantly throwing a fit. They wanted to keep me longer, run tests etc. etc. I told them to shove it up their asses. I didn't want to spend another minute in the forsaken hospital, and was ecstatic when they finally discharged me. Seriously, I was nearly bouncing off the walls.

Today was my first day back to school, and it was a crazy one, to say the least. I was constantly being bombarded with questions and people coming too close into my personal space. I couldn't concentrate in most of my classes, and even got in trouble in a few of them, due to all the whispering and note-passing. I was nursing a major migraine by the end of the day, when Aizawa Sensei entered homeroom.

Homeroom was our last class, and I had spent the majority of it attempting to sleep on my desk. I never could, though. Why do bad things happen to good people? The class broke out into a collective sound of shock and excitement as Aizawa entered. Apparently, it was his first day back.

The questions the class asked the poor nursing Sensei, such as 'how did you recover so quickly?' made me cringe and sink farther into my seat. But, being Aizawa, he dodged the questions like a champ, bring up another subject that the class was surprisingly far more excited about: the sports festival.

Now I must admit, it made sense. The U.A. Sports Festival had practically replaced the olympics, and people from all corners of the earth, including pro-heroes, gathered to watch the spectacle unfold. A bunch of quirk-using teenagers pit against each other in battle? Sign them up.

On top of that, it was great way to be noticed by pro-heroes in consideration for sidekicks and apprenticeships. On the other hand, it was a prime steak that villains, such as the ones who JUST attacked us, were waiting to sink their teeth into. A perfect opportunity. Somebody in class had the same idea, apparently, and vocalized it amidst all the commotion.

"On the contrary: since we're going ahead with the festival, it means that the school is confidents it has all its ducks in a row when it comes to its crisis control now. I hear police presence will be five times bigger than normal, for example. What you should be thinking about is.. What a huge chance the academy's sports festival presents for all of you." Like the pro he was, Aizawa diverted the subject again, though I couldn't get the possibility of another villain attack out of my mind. The doctor's diagnosis and parting words echoed in my head.

If you use that amount of your power again, we won't be able to save you again. Your body won't be able to handle it in it's current state. You will die, (Y/N).

I shuddered and sank even further into my seat as the class began excitedly talking about their goals after graduation and heros, etc.

I turned to see Bakugou, who was sitting next to me, oblivious to my current state of distress, stuck in his own world. Oh yeah, being a number 1 pro-hero was his all-time goal, so as Aizawa-sensei was saying, this was an event he couldn't overlook. And I'm guessing that KAtsuki was aiming to come in first in this too.

"Now that we've got that out of the way, I wanted to talk to you about what happened at the U.S.J. While many of you exhibited your quirks greatly, taking down the villains, you did it without permission. This goes directly against U.A.'s blah blah blah." Aizawa didn't actually start saying 'blah blah blah', I just got tired of hearing him talk. Resting my cheek against the glass of the window I was situated against, my hot breath fogging up the glass. I feel a pair of eyes burning into the side of my head, meaning Bakugou was staring at me. I purposely breathed again against the glass, and used my pointer finger to write out "fuck u" in the fog before it slowly disappeared.

SELF/CONTROL (katsuki bakugou x reader)Where stories live. Discover now