the battlefield☆

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A/N- YO HOLD UP!! Or don't if you're too anxious to read the new chapter, either way, YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST! 2.7K reads is amazing, and so are you guys. Your comments and votes and reads make my day, you have no idea, I love it when you guys say stuff things like how you relate to whats going on or just simple "I'm dying this is so funny." All comments are always appreciated :) So in honor of 2.7K reads and an amazing reader base, here's the longest chapter yet. There's some angst, some tension, and some tears. I hope you enjoy it!! <3 J&C

I groan as the sunlight infiltrates my vision, too bright for my blinking eyes. I groan, rolling over in the bed I was in, to come face to face with recovery girl, who did not look happy. I try to recall why I was here this time - oh yeah, the calvary. I overextended myself again. Jesus, will I ever get used to this quirk or am I going to spend half of my life in hospital beds? I hope to god not.

"You fainted again. You need to stop over-exerting yourself, one day you're not going to wake up." I screwed my eyes shut, flailing my arms and waving as if she was a pesky fly that wouldn't leave me alone.

"Yeah, yeah I've heard it all before. Can I go now?" I ask, heaving myself up into a sitting position, placing my feet on the floor. I was shocked by how cold the tile is, quickly retracting my feet from the floor before settling them back down.

"I don't know, deary, can you?" She asked, eyeing me with sarcasm. I glare at her, smiling. This woman. I roll my eyes after the short staring contest, standing up and stretching my arms above my head, yawning. Naps make the world a better place, even if you faint to get into them.

I pick up my shoes and lace them up, walking out of the infirmary, as Recovery Girl called after me, informing me that it was noonday break, meaning it was lunch. My stomach grumbled silently and I set out trying to find the cafeteria. Only, my sense of direction never really was that good when it came to this school. I whine as I pass the ladies bathroom for the eighth time, deciding to take a left this time.

After walking for about a minute, a light came into view. The outside arena light. Damnit, this is nowhere near where I want to be. Nice going, (Y/N). I mentally curse myself out, before catching view of Katsuki. He was leaning against a wall.

I stalked over to him quietly, he didn't notice me, seemingly in a world of his own.

"He-" I began, but his red eyes quickly darted to me, clamping a hand over my mouth and pulling me into his side. I asked him what he was doing, but it came out muffled.

I was suddenly hyper-aware of our bodies, his hand over my mouth and his other arm clamped around my shoulder, holding me into his side. His ribs pressed against my side everytime he took a breath as he listened intently to- voices?

I stopped observing how our bodies touched long enough to hear two very familiar voices conversing. Izuku and Todoroki? They seemed to be pretty into the conversation, though I couldn't hear exactly what they were saying.

I glared up to Bakugou as I realized we were eavesdropping on their conversation, but he ignored me, tch-ing silently at whatever they were saying.

The two boys leave not long after, and Bakugou finally releases me from his side, wiping his sweaty palms on the sides of his blazer.

"Bakugou, it's no good listening to other people's private conversations." I chastise, glaring up at him. Sometimes the height difference was intimidating, but Bakugou didn't seem to scare me all that much any more.

He just rolled his eyes and ignored me as Present Mic's voice crackled over the intercom, informing us that the noonday break was over. My stomach grumbled in detest and I whined.

SELF/CONTROL (katsuki bakugou x reader)Where stories live. Discover now