You're hot☆

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Aizawa droned on about our tests, outlining the basics that we'd be covering on the written portion. English literature and logarithms and blah blah blah. While all the other students were busy cramming, I was intently staring at the desk to the right of mine.

Where is he?

"So, (Y/N), would you like to enlighten us with the answer?" Aizawa asked, entered my realm of focus.

"Katsuki-huh-oh what was the question?" I snapped my head forward, eyes wide. I had no idea what I had just answered, but I know Katsuki couldn't be the correct answer.

"Yes, Katsuki did place second in the sports festival, I guess you were paying attention." Aizawa praised before turning back to the board. I felt like one of the kids in South Park.

"He's sick." I hear from a familiar voice behind me. I swiveled in my chair to face the red-haired boy who wore a sly expression. My face fell visibly, and Kirishima's smirk deepened, though he seemed pitiful.

"He just told me because we were supposed to study after school today, the ass probably forgot to tell you." He comforted and I nodded, turning back in my seat. I couldn't concentrate for the rest of school, so I left an hour early. I just hoped my mom wouldn't find out about my ditching. It had happened before, and it wasn't pretty.

I stopped by the Starlight Diner on the way to his house, borrowing the kitchen to make some of my signature soup, before continuing on my merry old way.

It didn't take long to make it to Katsuki's house, I didn't even need to think about where to turn or which alley to take for a shortcut anymore, it was like I was on autopilot.

I gathered my wits on his door step, preparing myself for whatever I may meet on the other side of that door; whether it be Katsuki in all his morning wood glory or Katsuki's father whom I was afraid to meet. I exhaled, lifting a fist to lightly knock on his door.

Shuffling could be heard indoors, and I took a step backwards in caution. It sounded like somebody was running at the door.

It swung open violently, a frazzled and energetic woman standing in the doorway.

"(Y/N)? What the fuck are you doing here? Never mind hun, c'mon in, you're always welcome here." Mrs. Bakugou exclaimed, wrapping an arm around me and pulling me into the house. I'd never heard somebody ask "what the fuck are you doing here" in such a pleasant tone. I looked around, studying the house. It wasn't like I expected: flowers and potted plants, normal furniture, and a large family portrait above the fireplace. My mouth fell open a bit at Katsuki's smiling face. It looked unnatural.

"Ah, yeah, I had to ask the artist to paint a smile onto him, but it just didn't look right. Fuck if I was gonna waste that money though, cost an arm and tit. But I do have a picture of him smiling somewhere around here - ah! Here it is. See?" She shoved a picture into my face, so close I couldn't really focus my eyes. I took the photo from her, adjusting it so I could see the full photo. It was a picture of Katsuki, maybe 11 or 12, holding a sparkler and genuinely laughing.

"Only other time I've seen him smile like that was in that picture he posted of the two of you." She reminisced and stared at the photo lovingly. It was out of place, such a calm expression on her face.

"Do you mind if I take a picture of this?" I asked, digging around my bag for my cellphone.

"Knock yourself out. So, why are you here?" She asked, walking over to the kitchen island and leaning onto her palms, staring at me encouragingly, like a teenage girl about to hear some juicy gossip.

SELF/CONTROL (katsuki bakugou x reader)Where stories live. Discover now