prepare for the end! ☆

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 After the summer lodge was announced, everyone packed down and started studying like crazy. At least, most of the class did. Bakugou, Kirishima, Denki and I had spent the past few weekends hanging out, shenanigans and tomfoolery ensued. From dying the public pool red with 18 bottles of food coloring to lazy movie nights, not moving for 10+ hours of horrible movies like "Bikini Girls V Dinosaurs" and "GingerDead man Vs The Evil Bong", until the sun rose.

But now, it was the final week of June and it was 1 week until the final exam.

"I HAVEN'T STUDIED AT AAAALLLLL." Denki wailed, sweat dropping. I snuffed a chuckle in my sweatshirt sleeve, scrolling through some social media on my phone. The class continued to complain and moan about their lack of studying, while the kids who were in the top ten just chilled.

"Maybe if you came to class normally then you wouldn't be failing." I chirped at Denki, who doubled over clutching his chest over his heart as if fatally wounded.

"MIND YOU WORDS!!" He sobbed, causing me to laugh more.

"That's rich coming from the dumbest person in this class." Bakugou smirked at me.

"You talkin' bout me? I know you're not talking about me." I scoffed, leaning back in my seat and turning to Katsuki.

"Yeah, I'm talking to you shit rag. You dumb and deaf now?" He continued, and I gasped in shock, acting as if an arrow hand just pierced my heart.

"Yeah, what's your ranking in the class (Y/N)? Probably lower than Denki, right?" Kirishima added, leaning on Bakugou's desk, as Denki glared at him.

"I actually dunno..." I bit the inside of my cheek. I couldn't be that low, could I?

"(Y/N)'s actually first in class." Midoriya informed, turning around in his seat to face us. Denki, Kirishima, and Katsuki all turned to me with questioning glances.

"But you never turn in the homework when its assigned, and I never see you taking notes." Denki insisted.

"That's because I finish the homework in class and turn it in then. And I record all the lessons." I explained, pulling out the voice memos app on my phone and showing him all the labeled lessons, each one with a date an topic.

"Now that I think about it, I have gotten over 100%s on all the tests." I recalled, placing a finger on my chin and thinking back to all the assignments.

"In fact, you got a 117% on our last math test, isn't that right?" Midoriya ventured, flipping through his small notebook.

"Oh yeah!" I affirmed, pulling out the test from my folder and showing it. 58.5/50 written in red ink. The boys marveled at the page with wide eyes, except for Bakugou who just rolled his eyes and looked away. I smirked.

We sat on the roof for lunch, as we did every day, and Bakugou was quieter than usual.

"What's up Ka-chan, scared I'm gonna beat you in the final exams?" I taunted, picking at my rice, not having an appetite.

"Yeah right, fuck face." He fumed half heartedly.

"Well then why don't we make this interesting? Loser has to be winner's slave for a day." Kirishima proposed, wiggling his eyebrows.

"I'm game." I agreed, leaning back onto my heels and smirking evilly at Bakugou.

"Prepare to eat shit, asshat." He smirked back and I smiled internally. There's the katsuki I know.

SELF/CONTROL (katsuki bakugou x reader)Where stories live. Discover now