Chapter 13

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sorrrrrrrrrrryyyyy if this is so shitty, i haven't wrote in 5 ever so i'm a little bit rusty. i tried my hardest lol

songs: Fallingforyou-1975

Mat walked on the set awkwardly before sitting down next to Daisy's small body. 

Her green eyes looked at him like she was trying to apologize a thousand times. But he just gave her a small little nod before looking right in front of him.

Jason looked at the pair before smiling at their awkwardness, "So how did you guys meet?", Daisy took the chance to speak up for the pair, "We were actually writing a song together, producing a duet as well. We started to hang out more and more, things just clicked, ya'know?", "I was super excited. I loved her voice. It was so loud and strong for her. Also the way she acted. How she treats people. I always a big thing for her. I mean who wouldn't. Look at her." Mat's raspy voice let out, letting his pink plump lips form into a smile and letting out a laugh.

Daisy grinned and letting out a small giggle before turning her head away to hide her burning cheeks from Mat. 

" I really don't blame you on that one. When we saw the chemistry between you two on the stage preforming your new single, I just must say wow. There's no denying it. Also, how do you feel about being in the limelight more? All the rumors that had been spread around?". 

"I knew getting into out relationship that rumors were going to be spread around like some kind of disease. We were laying on the couch together. We had on the television, all we heard was her being pregnant, we just thought it was hilarious. We just joke about it"  Mat's free hand reached up to rub his lower lip. 

"Hopefully we get hear some amazing music coming from you both. Thank you for coming and speaking with me today." Jason smiled before the cameras turned off. 

Daisy turned over smiling at Mat, "You did wonderful.", he let out a sigh of relief when her cold hand rested on his hand. 

"Do you think so?" his face got closer towards her own and placing his free hand on her face. The move he just did, made her breath hitch before closing her eyes and nodding her head fast. 

Her green eyes opened and looked into his own, seeing how his tiny freckles appeared on his pale skin. Before anything else could happen, Jacks coughed making the two jump. 

"We have a party to go to. If you wanna get ready and make it on time, we should go now" he winked at Daisy before walking away making the pair follow behind his footsteps. 

Jacks liked how close the pair was, he never knew that someone like Daisy would be falling for someone. She was never one to hold a relationship. All of them were stunts to push her image out there. Even though this one is one as well, he knew this one was different. 

He loved how more open she was, how she's attempting to get off the drugs, how she's more happier. Especially when she's with Mat. 

Daisy and Mat walked hand and hand towards the dressing rooms before splitting up. 

Daisy wanted more than anything to have something real with someone. Now she finally was gathering up the nerve to make the first move tonight during the party with him. 

She was so scared that her feelings were growing too fast, and he was going to reject her. But she was going to try. 

Her small hands slipped up her black short skirt, and heels before walking out to see Mat waiting for her wearing a black with white polka-dots shirt with a cigarette in his tatted hand. 

"Well someone cleans up nicely." her voice laced with humor before taking the cigarette out of his hands and pressing it towards her red painted lips and blowing out the smoke. Mat smirked before rolling his eyes and pressing his hand on her lower back and kissing her on her cheek before walking out towards the car. 

As they arrived, the paparazzi was taking photos of the two walking inside only to be greeted by the loud music, the smell of alcohol and sweaty bodies dancing around.

Daisy smirked up at Mat before grabbing his hand and dragging in onto the floor with all of the other dancing bodies.

Mat placed his hands on her hips while she danced against him, her singing her heart out every song that played.

  Her long hair bounced around, the light shining in all the right places making her more beautiful than ever. 

All he saw was her small little smirks before turning around placing her hands on  his chest and moving them up and down. "You're so beautiful." he mumbled while looking down at her, she looked up, seeing how he was already staring and it caused butterflies in both of their stomachs. 

"You know. I usually get bored. But there's something about you Musto." her soft voice spoke over the loud music. "You're different. I love it." her soft hands cupped his face and leaned him down and placed a kiss on his lips causing him to suck in a breath.

As for Mat he was shocked that this was happening,  her lips moved perfectly with his. She tasted like her mango chapstick she always uses on her soft lips.

As she pulled away, his hands reached up and rubbed the side of her cheek softly while she kept her eyes shut. As people around were taking photos non stop, they were only focused on themselves. Like they were the only one's in the room. 

"This has to be a fucking dream." Mat spoke up before making her laugh, and hiding her face in his chest. She looked up and grinned widely, usually he notices the fake grins she does. 

But this one; this smile was real.

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