Chapter 11

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Mat was shocked that the pair were going to perform some of their new songs together. 

Her small body was already running on stage to the screaming fans that were shouting out her name, waiting for her talent to spread throughout the arena. 

"Hello lovelies!" Daisy's voice said through the microphone making people scream in excitement, her red lips turned into a smile, she waved to some fans in the front before the music started to play making her dance. 

Her back up dancers came up on the side, Mat loved watching her preform, she put her all into it. But this time, he knew how she felt and she was putting her best act right up front so she wouldn't disappoint her fans. 

Daisy started to sing, and sway her hips around to the music that was playing. 

"We're gonna be alright" she sang happily before jumping up and down before reaching down into the crow, and touching the fans hands while they sang out the rest of the song. 

Daisy loved the natural rush how the fans would react to everything.

Soon, she ran into the back changing into one of her silver crop tops, and skirts before running back on stage to only preform a couple more songs before introducing Mat.

"So, you all see I have a new person in my life." she grinned before fixing her hair onto one side while hearing the crowed going wild. "Would you like to meet him?!" 

Mat just stood there with his microphone in his tatted hand. He was so nervous, even though he preformed thousand times, probably more than that. But he was preforming with the flawless Daisy Kyle, she was killing her performance out there. 

"Well here he is, Blackbear!" she cheered before she looked on the side of the stage seeing him walk on the stage awkwardly. 

She held out her small hand before he gratefully took it and squeezed it a couple times. "How are you Mr. Blackbear." her soft voice let out before laughing, Mat rolled his blue eyes before sighing. "I was doing well before you dropped this surprise on me." he tried to keep it a bit pg, considering some of her fans ages. 

The music beat he made was playing and he was shocked that this was the song she chose to preformed with her. "This song is called Waste Away." Daisy  smiled at him before staring into his eyes. 

"Take a little bit of this girl,I will show you what I'm on,It's not the beginning of something I?,It feels like we're living too fast to fall asleep" Mat sang while he heard the crowd cheer from his unique voice. 

Daisy's green eyes lit up from the sound of his voice, she always adored it. 

  "I won't waste away less I'm wastin away with you,Yeah oh, yeah oh" he sang more before wrapping his arm around her tiny waste before she placed her hand on his chest before staring up at him. 

It was Daisy's part, and she started to sing, and it caused goose bumps to rise on his tatted skin. "Breath just a little deeper." she closed her eyes before standing in front of Mat, wrapping his arms around her, and putting her small hands over his. 

After the song was over, she opened her eyes before gripping his hand and pulling him into a tight hug, he smelt like musk mixed with smoke. She loved that smell. 

She looked up before kissing him on the cheek before waving at much people that she could in the front. 

"Thank you all so much! I love you all!" she blew some kisses and grabbed Mat's hand and leading them off the stage so the next performer could go on stage. 

"It wasn't so bad now was it." Daisy's lips turned into a smile before nudging into Mat's side before he started to laugh before shaking his head back and forth. "I'm going to fucking kill you." he smiled before pulling her closer to him. 

"Well we put out our new song. And it's going to reach number one. I promise you that." she winks before taking off her heels, and causing Mat to lift her off of her feet to carry her out while people were taking pictures of the 'couple'. 

Mat looked down and placed a kiss on her forehead, "How're you feeling?" he asked after he placed her into the passenger side, "I'm just tired. Without that medicine I feel like I would be much worse." she pouted. 

He just wanted to take the pain away from her. 

Mat ran onto the other side before driving them both to his house. 

Daisy's head was now placed on his lap while she wore one of his large t-shirts that covered everything that needed to be covered. 

He played with her soft long brown hair before she started to hum. "We should check the news. See if we made any headlines." she spoke with some gravel in her tired voice. 

Mat's hand turned on the E! News, and saw that there was Daisy and him preforming, they looked convincing from the film that they played. 

"The talented beautiful singer Daisy has made it public a second time with her new boyfriend Mat Musto. He usually goes by his stage name Blackbear, he's popular on soundcloud, he's wrote songs for big stars before as well. They preformed their new song together for the first time, and chemistry that we saw between is hot! How he would touch her softly with much passion, the way she reacted.   The fans were not really expecting her to be with someone like him, but she seems really happy. Not only that! Earlier today we saw Mat leave the pharmacy with some bags, I'm not trying to jump the gun or anything. But maybe, she's pregnant. " the reporter said with the 'proof' pictures that popped up on the screen. 

"Well you didn't tell me you was my damn baby mama" Mat joked laughing before seeing Daisy cover her red face.

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