Chapter 9

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sorry for the long wait. But i'm back. I just had a lot of stuff going on but i'm back. idek if anyone is still reading this anymore. but whatever. so i'm trying hurry up and finish this and Rhiannon. But here's the new chapter enjoy. 

Songs: Graveyard Whistling - Nothing But Thieves 

After a couple minutes, Mat sat down on the couch lost in his thoughts. He didn't know what to say to the young girl in front of him. 

Should he just have an outburst, should he try explain who Damian is, try explain what she is doing is throwing her life in major danger and could possibly kill her? 

He didn't know what to do. 

Mat's hands were shaking because his emotions were all over the place. 

Daisy was not the girl he saw in the news, all over the tabloids of being this happy go lucky girl. She was the exact opposite, tired all of the time, she seemed broken. 

Daisy's tiny body walked in her house and closed the door quietly before hiding the stuff in her hoodie sleeve. 

"Who was that?" Mat asked quietly not even looking at her. 

He was focused on his shoes. 

He didn't want to show her how upset he was at her. 

Her plump lips just let out a breath, "It was just a friend." she whispered. "You're lying Daisy. I know damn well who that was." Mat's raspy voice raised a little bit. That made her jump, she wasn't expecting this at all. 

Especially from him. 

"Where is it?" Mat asked before getting up from the couch and walking towards her, his figure taller than hers. "Where's what Mat. There's nothing." she tried to hide from him. She didn't know how he knew who it was, what stuff she has. "Don't lie to me Daisy!" he yelled. 

He was tired of the lies she was feeding the world and most importantly  him. 

Mat's tatted hand grabbed her arms and he felt the tiny baggies hidden in her sleeve. 

He just closed his eyes tightly before he opened his blue eyes that were watery. 

Now this point, Daisy was crying.

No one has called her out about anything. Not even Jacks. 

"Why." Mat's voice broke, "I don't know." she responded to him. 

"Cut the shit Daisy! You do know." he yelled. 

Mat was furious, he just wanted to get the chase about why she was using. 

He knew it wasn't the way about it to get the truth out of the tiny girl who looked broken right in front of him. 

Daisy just walked backwards until her back hit the door and her tired, crying body slid down and just brought her knees towards her chest and just cried out. 

"I wanted to feel again. I wanted to be happy. I'm always in the limelight twenty-four seven. I'm tired of my dad using me for his own joy to get money." she cried. 

Mat's eyes changed angry to sad. 

He leaned down and grabbed her tiny broken body and placed her into his lap and just hugged her. 

"That's not the way to get happy." he whispered into her ear. 

"How do you know him." her crying eyes looked up at her, Mat was focused of how her eyes were a little red around her beautiful green eyes, and her pink lips were plumper than usual. 

He just took his hands and wiped the tears that were falling from her eyes and just didn't saw a word. 

"Just calm down first before I tell you anything." he whispered. 

Daisy's eyes closed and just soaked in the moment that was happening right in front of her eyes. 

She wanted to know why Mat was treating her like this, usually people who are close or who are let in her personal life just turn their backs and don't say a thing. 

She was also thrown off about breaking down in front him. Daisy usually broke down by herself just spending her nights with a bottle of vodka, her white substance she craved. 

But here is Mat trying to help her, trying to save her. 

Her small hands hugged around his neck and just let some tears down her face. 

Mat's touch was gentle, he didn't want to harm her in any way. 

 After an hour of sitting on the ground, the pair finally got up and sat on the couch and turned off the TV so they can finally talk. 

"How do you know him?" she asked not making eye contact with him. 

Mat took a deep breath in and just looked at her. 

"I needed a job, I needed money to help with my family. I needed some money to push out my music career, and I found Damian. He took me under his wing. Until I left to move here and just focus on myself. He is a bad guy. He uses blackmail for his users to continue their addictions so they can return to him. He's even killed before. I just promised my mom I wouldn't sell anymore." Mat explained. 

Daisy just looked up at him before she just looked down again. 

"We will give you better. I promise you. I want you to be happy.", Mat just whispered to her. 

"How? I'm being watched all the time. How am I supposed to go to rehab.", "I'll never leave you. Okay?". 

"Pinky promise?" she holds out her little pinky and he brings his and they connect them together. 

"I pinky promise. I'll help you in anyway I can. Okay?", Daisy just nodded her head and just smiled a little bit. 

Her eyes looking dull and tired. 

"Come here." Mat said before taking her stuff and they both walk into the bathroom and flushing the white substance down the toilet in front of their own very eyes. 

"Step one to recovery ." Mat smiled over at her and put his arm around her and just pulled her closer to her. 

"Thank you." she whispered before hiding her face in his side. 

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