Chapter 14

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After a couple of days, in the magazines there was just pictures of Daisy and Mat, talking about how the pair are always having  steamy nights out and showed a little bit of public affection.  

But they didn't care, they loved how they could show their feelings for each other out in public and now in private. 

They were both were in the car heading onto a jet to go do some promotion for her new album. 

Her head was on his shoulder with her green eyes shut while the wind was blowing in their faces, and Mat had his tatted arm out the window with a cigarette placed between his fingers, while his other hand was laced with her cold hand. 

His blue eyes looked over at her glowing skin, and how peaceful she looks. She didn't look as sick as she used to be.  She was gaining more of a healthy weight, her sleeping has gotten a lot better, he was proud that Daisy was able to quit cold turkey with the powder drug. 

It's like she was never on it.

When the car stopped, her small body stretched and let out a squeal making Mat smile at her. "I'm ready to sleep more." her soft voice let out before grabbing her blanket, pillow and jumping out the vehicle and having Mat and Jacks follow the happy girl. 

When they got on she ran onto her bed, and plopped right on. 

Her sweatshirt matched the blankets and the sheets so she blended right in, but all you saw was her long brown hair. 

Little did she know, Mat was recording her. "Daisy is so old." he laughed, she looked confused before she turned around and started to laugh. She has no clue what he's doing. But Mat's laugh is contagious to her. 

"What the fuck are you talking about?" her perfect eyebrows scrunch together.  

"Such a delusional old man." his eyes crinkled with happiness before the video ended. 

Daisy rolled her green eyes before crawling up to him and laying herself on his chest to watch the video. 

"Ew the voice makes me sound like a-", "Dying cow." he laughed.  

"Look at this one!" she laughs and puts the filter on Mat. "Hey. It's my ulter ego Chad."

That caused the vibration off his his chest, she hummed slowly of the feeling and the sound of his raspy laugh. 

Soon  she looked up and placed a kiss on his lips and that caught him off guard. 

Mat can't wrap the thought around his tatted finger that the person he had adored musically, and physically is here with him, and she felt the same. 

But amazing things like this always come to a sudden stop. But nothing like that has happened so far, and that was another concept that he couldn't gather.

"What are you thinking about Mr. Musto. You look so deep in thought." she huffs making her brunette hair blow up. 

He just spoke softly in the quiet jet while his blue eyes focused on the white ceiling ahead of him, "Just thinking how this is all a dream." Soon he felt a small pinch on his underarm. 

He moved his hand up in a quick motion, "Ouch, what the fuck was that for?". 

Her green eyes lit up so much, that he swore she had emerald gems for eyes. 

"Well wake up and smell the damn clouds! It's not a dream. We're doing this together. And I wouldn't want it any other way. I've never been so happy, calm with my life. You give me a sense of normal in the spotlight. Like I'm normal. Such little time. But it's the truth." her long pink fingernail was tracing circles around his t-shirt. 

Daisy lifted her head up one more time to see what his face would be like, but Mat was already looking at her. 

It was quiet, everyone was either on their phone, or sleeping. 

Mat leaned down for a kiss, which made her close her eyes. She was expecting a kiss, but all she got was a pinch on one of her butt-cheeks. 

Daisy let out a loud squeal before hitting his chest, and sitting up causing her straight locks to be all tangled. 

Her soft voice was about to speak, but her phone started to vibrate. One look at the name, her face paled. Even Jacks noticed after waking up to the noisy pair. 

"Who is it?" Mat asked, "No one. Wrong number." She went to stand up on the bed but he caught her hand. "You're good?", "I'm fine." she faked a smile and placed a small kiss on his cheek. 

He sighed heavily before wiping a hand over his tired face. 

"She'll be fine you know? Things like this happen all the time." he looked up and saw Jacks giving him a sad smile. "Daisy has her highs and lows all the time. She'll bounce back; always does.". 

Mat  just nodded his head before walking out and finding Daisy setting up the karaoke machine. 

"Jacks! It's karaoke time!" she yelled happily before sitting on Mat's lap and her small hand on the microphone like always. 

"This is a tradition we always do for long plane rides.", "More like anytime we can." Jacks laughed before picking the song. 

The chords of Your Song by Elton John came on, she started to sing so softly and gentle. But Jacks wasn't singing. He had his phone recording the pair, she shoved the microphone in Mat's lips. 

The pair made the song so beautifully and silly. 

Daisy's head was placed on his shoulder while she watched everyone having fun, telling silly jokes, funny stories that happened on the previous tour. 

"Remember the time you fell on stage?" Jacks asked Daisy while she rolled her eyes, her face finally flushing a pink color. "I'm like fucking Bambi" she laughs so loud before standing up and lifting up Mat's chin up kissing him good-night.

After an hour of her being in bed, the guys were drinking. But he kept feeling this vibration next to him. 

It was Daisy's phone, and an incoming phone was coming through.  

It was Damian. 


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