Chapter 8

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shitty update , but whatever 

Songs: Warm Whispers- Blackbear 

While the paparazzi was taking so many pictures of the trio,  Daisy didn't pay no attention to her father after the food had arrived. 

She just stayed focus on her meal, and trying to keep everything calm as possible. 

Her green eyes looked up and looked at Mat and he was doing the same thing that she has been doing. 

"So, I saw you won a couple days at one of the award shows." her father coughed, she nodded her head and placed her cold small hand on Mat's tatted one, not really wanting to pay attention to her father whatsoever. 

"I would say I'm proud of you, but your new style is making you out to be, I don't know how to say it. A whore." her father's brown eyes met on his daughter face, and she made the most disgusted face ever. 

"What I do no is none of your business. I'm an adult now. I can do what I want, and frankly I killed it out there!" she stood her ground, "Just being 18 does not make you an adult." he rolled his eyes. 

"Can we just save this for later? You were only supposed to have lunch with us, meet Mat and go out with your girlfriend." Daisy spat at her father. 

That shut her father up, she knew that he would shut up about what she was doing, and focus on what he's really doing. 

"We have to go. I have a surprise for Mat. I'll just talk to you whenever you wanna be a good father for once." Daisy stood up pushing down her long sweater and walked quickly making her heels click on the ground. 

Mat just stood up and reached his hand out to shake her father's hand, and he just looked at him and started to laugh, "She's such a princess, ins't she.", Mat was taken back on what he had said. 

How could someone treat their daughter like that, she's nice, gorgeous, talented, mature young lady.

Daisy just waited down the street, waiting for Mat to appear. 

And sooner or later he did. 

He just hugged her tightly and she just hugged him back. 

She wanted to cry, but she bit her lip and just let out a deep breath slip out of her plump lips. 

"He's such an asshole. Don't listen to him. You're a perfect young lady." he whispered in her ear, and she just nodded her head and just gave him a small peck on his cheek. 

She looked up at him, and he looked down upon him and he noticed that her eyes were watery. "Let's just go back to yours and we'll watch movies or something.", Daisy nodded her head and just grabbed his hand, and walked back to the house. 

Daisy was smiling as the paparazzi was taking pictures of the two, she looked up at him and he just smiled at her.

Soon they reached the house, her high was getting low and she was feeling sick. 

"Are you okay? You're getting a little pale." Mat whispered before opening her door and letting her walk in first, "Yeah I'm fine. Just pick a movie, and I'll be right back. Okay?" she gave him a small smile before walking up into her room, finding out that her stash was no longer there. She slammed the drawer shut and just placed her hand on her head. 

She soon texted Damian to tell her she needed her usual. Daisy quickly changed into her joggers and put on a thin stripped hoodie and walked downstairs and saw Mat sitting on the couch waiting for her. 

Daisy sat next to him and took out a cigarette and handed Mat one and he gladly took it and placed it between his pink lips. 

After they were done smoking, she placed a blanket upon the two, and she just looked up at him. 

"I'm sorry about my dad." she whispers, he just shook his head, "Don't be sorry for him. I just want to know what happened between the two of you." he looked down and saw her just rest her head on his chest. 

"My mom left us, I became a singer once my father found out I could sing. He took advantage of it and me. He just let my fame get to his head. I always thought it was going to be the other way around but I was wrong. He has a new girlfriend that he gives her everything her fake ass heart desires. Even if it's like a new pair off boobs or anything. She's a gold digger and he's too caught up to see it. He doesn't care about me. That's why I like Jack way more than my father." she said. 

Mat looked down at her and placed a small kiss on her head and rubbed circles around her back, he didn't say anything. He didn't know what to say or do. But this is his only way to comfort her. And she adored that he wasn't really much of a talker, most of his speaking for him is in his music. 

Daisy's phone started to ring, and she jumped up out of their hold and he answered the phone and just spoke softly that Mat could barley hear her. "I'll be right back. Okay?" she whispered and he just looked at her like something was up. 

She placed her toms on and walked outside and she was met with a fancy car he knew. 

Mat was just lost for words, he didn't know what to do or say to her. 

But he knew what she was doing was dangerous. 

He just sat down and just ran his tatted hand through his hair, trying to figure out what he would say to her. He didn't want to see her throw her whole entire career through the drain, she was playing with life and death. Especially with Damian. 

Damian was a dangerous man, and he wanted to help Daisy like no other. 

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