Chapter 10

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Songs: Like Smoke - Amy Winehouse 

The pair fell asleep on the couch. 

Daisy on top of Mat with his arms around her holding tight, he didn't want to let her go. 

She was in her fragile moments. 

Probably will be for the next week when she's going through withdrawl. 

Her green eyes opened and felt nauseous and her body ached like no other pain she has felt before. 

Mat felt her trying to move, his blue eyes opened up and saw that she had little sweat droplets on her forehead. 

"Are you okay?", Mat knew that this wouldn't be a walk in the park, he went through the same thing. 

"No, I feel like shit. I feel like I have to puke all over the place, my body hurts, and I'm sweating so badly." she looked like she was on urge of tears. 

"Babes, we can go get you pills to help you.", "Good because we have a place to go today. I have to preform today. This is bad timing to quit." 

Mat sat up and rubbed her back a little bit before he got up and slipped on his shoes to go to the pharmacy to get her anything she needs to feel better. 

"Are you coming?" he asks her, her skin looked so pale. 

She got up and just put on flats, she didn't want to deal with wearing heels at this time. 

They walk out of her house, hand and hand and got into the car. 

She sat there with her sunglasses on top of her green eyes, and just looked out of the window. 

Daisy never thought how bad this would be. Sure, she knew it was going to be a little bit bad. But not this bad. 

"I'll be right back. Don't move." Mat kisses her cheek before walking into the pharmacy, with the paparazzi taking his photo of every move he made. 

He picked up the pills to help her, and some juices. 

He knew damn well she wouldn't be holding down food for a while. 

Daisy just waited in the car, with her small feet on the dash board waiting for Mat to hurry up. 

She wanted to go straight to the place she was supposed to perform at and just get it over with. 

She places her cigarette between her small fingers pressing between her plump lips, just watching the people that surrounded the car, trying to sneak pictures of her. Luckily, Mat's windows are tinted, and they can't really see through them. 

Daisy was trying everything in her willpower not to feel what she was feeling at this time, she would just focus on anything that was in her way. 

Soon, Mat came walking out of the pharmacy with bags in his hands for his girl. 

He heard the camera clicking of his picture being taking, and was expecting it to be in every magazine, and the internet. 

His tall figure climbed into the car and saw the smoke that was floating around in the air and space of the car with a sick Daisy who wasn't really paying attention to him.   

He handed her the small prescription with  Methadone in the small orange bottle. 

Daisy just looked at him confusedly, he saw through the sunglasses a little bit, "It's supposed to help with the withdrawl symptoms." he smiled at her. 

She gave him the best smile that she put on right now. She also saw the small bags filled with organic juices. 

Her small hand reached over and grabbed his cheek, and kissed it, "You're taking such great care of me. Thank you." she whispered before opening the juice bottle and taking some of the pills down so she could feel a little bit better. 

But man did she crave of the white substance to make her feel on top of the world, but here she is. Sick as a dog, trying to get better only hours before her performance. 

They drove out and she just rested her head against the window and just closed her eyes so she could take a small little nap. 

Mat was just focused on the road and the soft music that played in the background. 

His blue eyes look over and saw that Daisy was in a little ball sleeping. 

He wanted more than anything to take care of her, make her his for real instead of this publicity shit. 

He always loved and hoped that she was the girl in the papers, but to an extent it was true. 

His thumbs played on the steering wheel to the beat of his songs that he has made, and drives until they reach their destination. 

Jacks was in the front waiting for the two, when they parked Mat shook her small body before she let out a little yawn and waking up. 

"How do you feel?" Mat asks, "A little bit better. But I can do this for the fans." she smiled before opening up the door and was meeting with some of the fans that were in the front row. 

Mat soon walked his way to Jacks and he just looks at him shocked. 

"Why does she seem different today?" he looks over at Mat with one of his eyebrows raised up, "Well that's not my place to tell you. But at least she's better." Mat patted him on his back and met with some of her fans as well. 

Soon Daisy's hand held onto Mats and kept him close when the pair was walking backstage so she could get ready. 

Her delicate body at in the make up chair while people were going around mad just to get her ready. 

Her hair was half up half down, her make up was done perfectly as always, and she was wearing a long dress with blue flowers on it, hanging upon her body with nude high heels. 

She stood up and started to fix her ear piece before she did her performance. 

Soon, people started to hand Mat some ear pieces, before she walked on stage, his hand grabbed her wrist and pulled her close, "What's going on?" , "Didn't I tell you the surprise? We're preforming together." 

shitty ass chapter. but whatever.   

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