Chapter 1

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Authors note: I have missed this :). The story is a little different but hopefully, it'll be different in a good way.

As always show lots of love and support.


Spread the word of MP's return

without further ado, here is MP.



Chapter 1

Aisha turned gently around in her bed, opening her eyes to the first rays of the morning sun. For a moment she closed her eyes enjoying the small sunlight on her face. Absent-mindedly she brushed her hand across the covers searching for something. A slight frown appeared on her face as her hand only met empty air. She turned her head a bit alarmed her curls moving silently against the pillow, only to find her husband not next to her. 

She groggily got into a seating position, opening her mouth to call his name. She paused when her ears become accustomed to the chatter, and laughter coming from what she presumed to be the kitchen. 

It was Saturday, she sighed running a hand through her curly mess of a hair. Every weekend, her husband and kids had full reign of the kitchen. A smile spread across her face as she snuggled back into her velvety covers. It was nice to have a break every now and then, any mess they made, they made it a point to clean up. She wasn't worried about cleaning up their mess.

  Although she did always notice that they used more ingredients than they really needed. She stretched around, coiling and uncoiling on the king sized bed for a few more minutes before she lazily got to her feet and opened her burgundy colored blinds.

She unlatched the doorway to her balcony, stepping out to take in the fresh air. Their backyard was a secluded area, thanks to the hard work of her husband. He had wanted it to be an area she could relax and roam free without the worry of prying eyes or being forced to put on a hijab to enjoy the view and air. She stretched her hands eyeing the hanging chair in the corner she loved so much. Rows of planted flowers were positioned around the balcony, bringing nature right next to her bed. 

She stood for a moment, debating over whether she should be lazy for a few more minutes before she faced her day. Or if she should take a hot shower to loosen up her muscles? Quickly making a decision she turned away from the tempting chair and went back inside. Her feet scampered across the hardwood floor as she made her way to the bathroom. All she needed was fifteen minutes to loosen up and relax then she could go to her chair.


She glanced at her face as she dried off after her wash, the years were beginning to show on her face. It always amazed her, how much she had grown and changed over the years. Maybe because her parents weren't around to comment on the changes, she noticed the subtle changes so much more. Her heart squeezed a little. There had been so many things she had wanted to change years ago, so many things she had wanted to fix, that half the time she used to drive herself crazy.

Before she even had time to grow, life had mercilessly placed hardship on her shoulder. There were so many sacrifices she had to make, so many things she had to accept. A small smile spread on her lips as she brushed her curls back and tied them up. Yet, despite the pain and the heartache she had gained so much. She learned what it meant to love someone. She learned at a young age what it meant to lose and never forget. She learned how to cherish every moment as if it was her last.

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