Chapter 19

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It was official. Gabriel was losing his heart, and he was ok with admitting it to himself.  He was currently parked outside Musa's school debating with himself on why he should or shouldn't go into the building. 

Why was he here? 

He wasn't sure he really had an answer. 

What he did know for sure was that he wanted to help. And in his need to be of service, he found himself parked in front of Musa's school. With a deep breath, he exited his car and walked towards the office. 

As he stepped through the main office caught his eye, and he made his way over. An elderly lady was manning the desk and the minute he walked in her eyes brightened and she plastered on a big smile. 

"Hello, welcome to Evergreen Elementary, how may I help you?" she asked her voice slightly raspy. 

"Hi, I'd like to talk to the principle, if he is in," he said glancing around the small office. 

"Do you have an appointment?" she asked though they both knew he didn't.

"No, I can't say I do," replied Gabriel and the reply was so matter of fact that it took the woman by surprise. She expected him to look apologetic or even friendly. 

And yet the man in front of her looked as if he could care less about such formalities. As if he was above it all. 

"I'm sorry, you need an appointment before I can let you see the Principle. What day works for you?" she asked not really wanting to interact too long. 

"Right now would be great," Gabriel replied with a smirk. 

"Again, like I said you can't..." Gabriel cut her off. 

"I need an appointment, I get it,  just make an appointment for me right now," he shrugged.

"Appointments have to be made in advance sir," she replied her smile faltering. 

"See, I'm a busy man, and while I believe in order and following rules. I don't want to, nor do I feel like being civil with a school that has possibly endangered the life of a young boy," Gabriel replied his eye narrowing the smirk still on his lips. 

"Sir, I can assure you the safety of our students is our number one..." again he cut her off. 

"Look, save your breath, direct me to the principle or I swear I will have news stations wanting to flood this building," he said menacingly. 

Without a word she turned and hurried away, into a room directly behind her. Gabriel patiently waited as he heard voices talking in a loud volume.  He casually leaned against the desk as if he had no care in the world.

"Sir, you may come in," said the receptionist with a tight smile. 

Gabriel nodded at her and sidestepped her into the room. 

"Hello," said a man with very thin lips and a small rat-like face.   

"Hi," Gabriel replied and without being asked took the seat in front of the desk. 

The principle hesitated slightly before taking a seat himself. There was something off-putting about feeling like a visitor in your own space. 

"I don't believe we have met," began the principle a forced smile on his face. 

"No, I don't think we have. My name is Gabriel Mathews CEO of the Crystalline hotel, I don't know if you have heard of me," Gabriel supplied leaning back in his seat and placing one leg on top of the other. 

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