Chapter 14

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 Chapter 14

"I honestly don't know why we couldn't go out for Iftar," grumbled Musa leaning against the counter of the kitchen.

Before Aisha had a chance to reply, two strong arms wound themselves around Musa, lifting him into the air.

"Because, my little friend, unlike you... we adore your sisters cooking," said Yahya lifting Musa higher in the air and causing the young boy to wiggle around in protest, a wide grin on his face.

"Yahya put him down... I don't want him to get hurt," said Aisha trying to come to the rescue of her little brother.

"Don't worry, a little bruise won't do him any harm," he reasoned, a mischievous grin on his lips.

"I never asked for a bruise," laughed Musa still suspended in the air.

"That's a favor from need to ask," laughed Yahya twirling around with Musa, and causing Musa to scream in terror and Aisha to scream in fright.

Footsteps came running towards the living room.

"Yahya what are you doing to the boy?" screeched Maimoona in annoyance.

"Nothing...just holding him," he said with a laugh.

"He can fall," pleaded Zainab coming to stand next to Aisha arms crossed.

"Yes...very perceptive Zai, he can fall...but In sha Allah he won't," he replied with a laugh

"BABA...PUT MUMU DOWN," screamed Ibrahim.

Yahya stared at his young son in amusement.

"You want me to put mumu down?" he asked with a chuckle.

A glare was all he received.

"What if I don't..." asked Yahya bringing down Musa a little bit.

"I'll...I'll....I'll...hit you," he replied with a pout.

"Who is more important? Daddy or Mumu?" he asked.

"Daddy is being mean," reasoned Ibrahim.

"Fine...alright...You win," sighed Yahya bringing Musa down swiftly and dumping his weight on the couch.

"Happy?" asked Yahya turning around to the look at the ladies and his son.

"Yes," replied Ibrahim with a smile bouncing over to Musa.

Aisha shook her head and walked back to the kitchen only to hear a grunt from Yahya and a thud, and knew Musa and Ibrahim had tackled him to the ground.

"Keep it down boys, we have neighbor's downstairs," warned Aisha from the kitchen.

The only responses she received were giggles and laughs.

"It's a good thing your aunt isn't here," laughed Maimoona walking toward the fridge.

Aisha laughed.

Aisha had told her aunt a few days ago about the family iftar, and she had refused to be a part of it.

"You want me to sit in a room with children and their screams? Misky is all I can handle...I'm no longer able to deal with so...much...excitement," was the angry reply she had gotten.

So, she had packed a bag and left to stay with a friend for the weekend, to escape the madness.

"I kind of wish she was here...she would get them to behave," sighed Aisha stirring the pot in front of her.

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