Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Aisha was frantic as she re-tied her hijab for the fourth time. Zainab was on the line as she attempted to get ready for the get-together/ party, with Gabriel's family.

"Remind me again why we are nervous?" chuckled Zainab from over the phone.

"Because... I want to look good," sighed Aisha trying to speak with a pin between her lips.

"Exactly who are we trying to look good for? Last time you didn't care what Gabriel thought," chuckled Zainab.

Aisha sighed in exasperation.

"Who said this was or is for Gabriel. His family has been so kind I don't want to ruin anything... that's all," she replied glaring at the phone on top of the bathroom sink.

"Sure, yes, of course," the mocking/ sarcastic tone was loud and clear.

"Look, don't you have newborns to tend too, stop pestering me and fulfill your motherly duties," replied Aisha.

"What can I say, I'm resting and bored in an empty house. The babies are asleep, my mom has been helping, I don't think I have bathed, changed the newborns since I gave birth. Yunus, her, and my dad have been taking turns. They are only brought to me, to feed, play and hold. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining," she paused.

"Sounds like to me you are, love," replied Aisha, finally deciding to leave the lavender hijab as it was.

She looked at her face wondering if she should apply makeup.

"I am not, I just don't want to be cuddled and then left to fend for myself later, you know what I mean?" she said.

"I think they are just trying to make sure you get all the rest and strength you need before you have to handle and take care of the twins," Aisha assured her.

"Ya, I guess your right, when do you have to show to the party?" she asked.

"In an hour, I should really get going," replied Aisha, picking up the phone to end the call.

"Fine, leave me alone in my boredom. Call me later and tell me how it went," she said with a sigh.

"Ok, I will. Love ya," she said and hung up.

She put the phone down to put on a little makeup. It wouldn't hurt, and it would be nice to look good.

"Abaayo, are you ready?" asked Misky coming to stand by the bathroom.

"Yes, go put on your shoes, and tell Musa to put his on," she said, applying some mascara.

"Ok, hurry," she huffed and walked away.

Giving herself a final look, she exited the bathroom with an excited heart.

Then all three of them were on the road heading to Meredith's house. Her aunt had refused to come along, claiming that it would be too much of a bother for her.

"I need you two to be in your best behavior, ok?" she asked in a stern voice.

"Ok," replied Musa.

"Ok," added Misky.

"Misky, please don't drive Gabriel crazy, be nice and gentle," she said feeling like she should set boundaries. She hadn't really been doing that, and she didn't want it to get out of hand.

"Do I bother him?" she asked in a quiet voice.

"That's not what I mean, just be gentle, and don't make him run around after you, that's all I'm asking. Play with him, but nothing out of hand, do you understand?" she explained.

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