Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Aisha could hardly think straight. What trick was he trying to play? Why was he being nice to her? This wasn't like him. She didn't know if he had something up his sleeve. She fidgeted for a few minutes unable to take the weirdness of it all. She didn't want him to think they had a moment at the hospital...even though they did.

Yet, the idea that he might read into her moment of weakness...was making her draw up all her walls of protection firmly around her.

"I...already said you're welcome," replied Aisha her eyes snapping back to look at Gabriel. She could read the confusion in his.

"I know...I just wanted to make sure you under..." Aisha cut him off.

"I understand...don't worry. Is that all you wanted to talk about?" she asked.

She knew she was being rude, and it wasn't like her to treat someone like this, but Gabriel wasn't just any man. He was a confusing man that she really didn't want to take the time to figure out. She liked how they functioned at the moment. A boss and an employee, no ambiguity no confusion. She honestly didn't want him to mess it up.

"I'm a little confused...last night..." again she cut him off and she could tell she was starting to annoy him. Good, annoyed Gabriel was something she was familiar with and could handle. Weird acting Gabriel was someone she didn't know...and honestly was scared of.

"That's just it. I don't want there to be any confusion between us. I don't want to change...anything," said Aisha biting her lip absentmindedly. She only stopped when she noticed him looking at her mouth and his raised eyebrow.

"Enlighten me please...because I don't know if I can flow your train of thought. Last night you helped me and maybe you had a moment.." he raised his hand when he noticed Aisha preparing to cut him off again.

"A moment of weakness, but there isn't anything wrong with that," he replied gently.

Aisha shrugged indifferently.

"Maybe not, but you're not exactly the person I would want to show that side too," she replied

"I see, and how should we fix that, because it already happened," he replied.

She was starting to get annoyed with his condescending tone and he could tell. He watched her face take on a stonier look and he inwardly admired her self-control.

"There isn't anything to fix. You were medicated and I was... overwhelmed. It doesn't change anything. You're still the same and so am I," she replied not knowing whether she was making sense or not.

Gabriel took a deep breath trying to figure out what to say exactly.

"Then, let's agree on one thing," He said as he leaned back in his seat and folded his arms.

"What?" asked Aisha cautiously.

He stood from his seat and walked to where Aisha was standing. Then thought better and stepped away from her. He silently looked at her trying to gather his thoughts before he began to speak.

"I'm in your debt, despite saved my life, and for that, I owe you my life. Like it or not, that fact isn't about to change. I may not be able to repay you, but should there be anything that you might need help with...let me know," said Gabriel.

Aisha looked at him unsure, letting her guard down slightly. After a few minutes of staring at each other, she sighed relaxing her shoulders a bit.

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