Chapter 4

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   "Ok, can I just say that you're my new favorite person," smirked Sebastian moving from his shocked stance to stand in front of Aisha.

Aisha stared at him for a second before taking a deep breath, in order to calm her racing heart.

"I mean this is amazing," he continued his green eyes sparkling with excitement.

Aisha sighed in frustration, she didn't know what Sebastian was getting at.

"What is?" she finally asked addressing him for the first time.

"Let me live vicariously through you," he stated in an excited voice.

At Aisha's blank stare, Sebastian gave a chuckle and moved toward the circulatory desk.

"Come and have a seat. You can sit while I tell you what I just figured out," he explained motioning toward her chair. It was hard not to feel his excitement but Aisha's guard was still up.

Aisha cautiously made her way to her seat. She stared at Sebastian unable to gauge how she should react towards him. He wasn't like his brother. Though she already had an idea of the man he was, a womanizer, she didn't truly understand him. For all she knew, he could have an even more violent temper than Gabriel. She was hoping that wasn't the case.

"Gabriel... as you have just noticed has a mean temper. As his younger brother, you can say I have always ....been gifted with the ability to tick him off...which of course, is the most important job of any younger brother" he explained a goofy smile on his face.

Aisha almost smiled back but restrained herself. For a second there she had been reminded of her brother Hamza.

"However, being a younger brother means no matter how hard I try, I'll always be at a disadvantage. That's where you come in. You can piss off Gabriel any way you want and he can't do anything to you. He can bark a great deal but he can't touch you because Mama will slaughter him. It's perfect really I can enjoy it and even prank him and blame it on you. We will both be safe an unharmed, It's a win-win situation. He can't even fire you..." at that he broke off with a laugh.

If Aisha had been shocked before she was petrified now. This man wasn't like Gabriel, he was worse. How could he call throwing her into a lion's den a win-win situation? She began to shake her head.

"No...I think you misunderstood something...I'm not trying to make Mr. Mathews mad, or anyone for that matter...I..." he cut her off with a wave of his hand.

"That's the beauty of it. You're a natural. You don't even have to try to get Gabe mad. He is already angry the minute he sees you," he shrugged.

Aisha shook her head again.

"That's just it. I'm already on Mr. Mathews blacklist, I don't want to be moved to his most wanted list. I understand brotherly rivalry but please leave me out of it," pleaded Aisha looking into Sebastian's eyes sincerely.

A smile spread across his face, and he placed his elbows on the desk moving closer. Aisha shrank back in her seat.

"Has anyone ever told you how pretty you are?" he asked.

Aisha gave him a glare.

"Excuse me, I ..." he cut her off again with a shake of his head.

"I'm giving you a compliment take won't kill you," he huffed leaning away from her a smile still on his face.

Aisha stared at him feeling drained and annoyed.

"Can you just explain to me what is expected of me as your secretary?" she asked hating his knowing smile that seemed to see through her pretense to appear strong.

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