Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

It took all of Gabriels ability to stop the car from crashing into the Lambo next to him. Taking a deep breath and steadying the steering wheel, Gabriel cautiously glanced at the little boy next to him.  

"What makes you think I'm interested in your sister?" he asked in a calm voice. 

There was a pause before a smirk appeared on Musa's face. He gave Gabriel a smug look, before glancing out the window as they pulled out of the parking lot. 

"That's interesting...I don't think I asked if you were interested in her. I only asked what your intentions are," replied Musa with an innocent shrug. 

But Gabriel knew he had royally screwed up. He had to play his cards right if he didn't want to look like a blubbering idiot. He threw a curious look at the little boy. Gabriel chuckled, his height and age were deceiving. He wasn't talking to a small 10-year-old.  He was dealing with an adult in a small body. 

Musa looked at him and waited for a reply. Gabriel's chuckles subsided and he took a deep breath before he threw the little boy a smile of his own. 

"No, you didn't, but wasn't that the real question you wanted to ask?" replied Gabriel in a friendly tone.

He was glad he was able to come up with good response, though he knew it wasn't his best. Musa watched him for a few minutes. 

" was, I guess you can read between the lines, huh?" he replied.

"I kind of have too...its a job requirement," replied Gabriel as he stopped the car for a red light. 

"...It's the way you look at her," replied Musa as he propped his elbow on his hand rest and tilted his body away from Gabriel. 

"I'm not sure I understand..." began Gabriel slowly.

"I doubt sister is not for you. So, I would appreciate it if you didn't concern yourself with her," replied Musa looking at Gabriel with a serious and steady gaze. 

"You don't sound like kids in your own age you know that?" replied Gabriel a bit unnerved by both the boy and the warning.

Musa glanced away, but Gabriel could see the look of indignation that settled over his face.

"School must not be fun for you," continued Gabriel gently. 

"My sister...Aisha...she deserves a lot. She deserves everything that's good in this world and the next. She deserves more than you would be able to give her," continued Musa his voice hard and clipped. 

Gabriel paused the anger that was slowly building up. How would he know what he could provide for her? 

"For argument's sake, let's say I was interested in your sister. And I'm not bragging or anything, but I'm an educated man, with money, a good family, plus I'm not bad with kids...what would be so awful about me?" asked Gabriel feeling defensive.

Musa turned away from the window and studied Gabriel. 

"Outwardly nothing...if we are just checking off some imaginary boxes. But, we aren't just checking off some boxes. It's my sister's life we are looking at. We have to consider every aspect. My sister is Muslim, in a country that doesn't view us in a favorable light. But it isn't just that, you aren't Muslim. It just couldn't happen," replied Musa evenly.

Gabriel glanced at him as he drove.

"What? your religion is against non-muslim marrying Muslims, that's...a bit much, don't you think," asked Gabriel.

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