Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

"All rise... this court is now in session, the case will be presided by the honorable Judge Jacobson, Court now in session,"

Aisha had been so focused on taking deep breaths she barely heard the words or even saw who said them. Meredith gently nudged her, and she stood along with everyone else.

The courthouse was smaller than what Aisha had imagined it to be. It wasn't full, the only people were Meredith and her, the few witnesses and her uncle and his lawyer. She felt like she was a spectator as she watched it all unfold. She could feel her palms sweat and her heartbeat a mile a minute. There was no way she could do this. She panicked, watching the smug smile on her uncles' lips. Did he have something that made him feel sure he would win?

"Honestly, Miss. Ahmed, I sincerely apologize for your loss. I can understand that families can be messy sometimes, but I have to say this is the first time I have seen an uncle and niece take each other to court over child custody. What I'm saying is... help me understand why this couldn't have been handled between you... more amiably?" asked the judge.

He was an older man, and Aisha could see him being a grandpa. Maybe he was a nice old guy, but now as he stared at her, she couldn't help noticing his frown and obvious disapproval of the whole situation.

"Your honor it isn't my client who brought this case to court... I would say the question would be better directed at the plaintiff," said Meredith with a nod at Aisha's uncle.

The judge shrugged.

"Maybe, and don't worry I have my own questions for him... but I would like to hear an answer from the young lady," he said leaning forward.

Aisha took a deep breath and stood up.

Nervously, she fidgeted with her fingers.

"Your honor.... I... If I could have handled this in a more peaceful way... I would have. If not for myself and my siblings... then at least in the honor of my father. My dad... loved his brother... I had never wished for any of this to happen. Truly," said Aisha, her voice breaking a few times.

The judge studied her for a second.

"And yet here you are. What about you?" he said, turning to her uncle.

Meredith gripped her hand.

"Don't worry, the old goat is known for being a bit of a bully in the morning. He's only upset he has to do this so early," whispered Meredith into Aisha's ear.

Aisha bit her lip from smiling or worse, laughing out loud.

"I wish to only assist my stubborn niece. My poor younger brother has only left these three kids behind. It is my duty to make sure I take care of them. I owe him that much at least," her uncle said, in a fake concerned voice.

"And yet, you have taken that said brother's child to court... over his other said children... a little problematic, no?" he asked then glanced at the papers in front of him.

Aisha couldn't help the slight smile that forced on her lips.

"All right, well, let's hear it then," he asked, staring at her uncles' lawyer.

"Your honor, my client will like to have full custody of the young kids, both respectfully ten and five. My client believes with his background and as their uncle, he will provide a more stable home. My client believes in the importance of Miss. Aisha as their older sibling, and hope she will be a consistent part of their lives. He has no wish to tear a family apart, but he does not and will not abandon these poor kids," said the lawyer with a pause.

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