Chapter 3

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Aisha didn't react at all until she found herself sitting in her car. A huge smile began to spread across her face. She had a job. The realization left her laughing while still bringing tears to her eyes, though she never shed them. She didn't realize just how stressed she had been about finding a job until at that very moment. 

She felt she could sit straighter, and stand taller as if thousands of bricks had been lifted from her shoulders. She relaxed into her seat, her laughter died and a content smile remaining on her lips. After a few seconds of relief, dread began pooled in her stomach.

What was she going to do about her employers, more specifically the man named Gabriel. A shiver went down her spine as she recalled his cold eyes. He had been looking at her, yet she knew he wasn't seeing her. He was seeing whatever twisted idea he believed she represented. She wanted to march up to his face and set him straight. 

However, Aisha quickly reined her anger in and decided to pull out of the parking lot and head home. There was no need to let her emotions get the better of her, just as life was starting to turn in the right direction. She wanted to share the good news with her family and celebrate with them. 

Alhamdulilah, they were about to have a steady flow of income coming in. She would have taken her siblings and great Aunt out for dinner. But, she had work early in the morning and the kids had school. She instead opted to pick up some pizza and some pastries that her siblings liked.

She glanced at the clock seeing if she would be able to pick her siblings up from school, the clock read 1:00, indicating that Misky had already arrived home and that Musa would be due in another hour.

"Never mind," Aisha said, peeling out of the hotel driveway and making her way on to the main road.

It had taken her a good hour an half to pick up the pizza from a hala pizza parlor and the small delicacies that her siblings loved. She also picked up her aunts medication from the pharmacy. Her Aunt was in more pain than she let on, which was why Aisha put up with all her jabs and insults. As hard as it was not to retaliate, Aisha was able to move through her Aunts volatile moods with great ease. 

She eased out of the car with care, mindful of the pizza boxes and bags in her hand. She only turned once to grab the pharmacy bag and close the door. She used her key to lock the car and then made her way to the entrance. She sighed, dreading the staircase she would have to go up to get to her apartment door.

"Aisha is here," yelled Misky through the other side of the door.

"Sweet heart, can you open the door?" asked Aisha with a smile, deciding to give up on her sad attempt at opening the door, while holding everything else.

Musa opened the door and looked at his older sister before grabbing the pizza boxes and holding the door with his back to let her walk in. She gave him a greatful smile walking in and scooping Misky into her arms.

"How was school?" she asked placing a kiss on her cheek.

"Fun. I made a new friend. And, Ms. Freshwater let us paint our favorite animals during break time," she gushed sliding down from Aisha's arms and running into their room. A few seconds later she came running back her backpack in hand. Aisha waited for her as she rummaged through it and produced a paint blotched paper. Aisha looked at it for a minute or so trying to figure out what animal it was.

"Wow, this looks amazing," Aisha said deciding to praise her and hoping she wouldn't ask her the dreaded question.

"Do you know what animal it is?" Misky asked her eyes round and waiting.

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