Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Gabriel debated with himself for a bit, as he sat in his parked car. He really wasn't sure if he wanted to interact with the viperous this early in the morning. 

Maybe it wasn't the best way to think of his paternal grandmother, yet he couldn't help it. Growing up he had the misfortune of being raised by her. Most of his memories of her were interesting to say the least. 

He was wearing a pair of jeans and a denim shirt, it was never a good idea to wear a suit around his loving grandma. She had a knack for having labor-intensive work ready for him...and only him. With a sigh and grunt, he exited the car and made his way to the front door. Even though he knew where the spare key was, it was best to knock. He hoped and prayed his grandpa was also home and not at some chess game event. After a few knocks, he braced himself as the door was opened. But it was only his grandpa Mark standing there with a warm smile.

"Well hello there son," he laughed pulling Gabriel into a bone-crushing hug.

Gabriel returned the hug and smiled into his grandpa's flannel shirt.

"Hi Pops," he said placing a kiss on his cheek.

The old man laughed and patted him on the back ushering him into the room. Gabriel neatly removed his shoes and placed them on the side. His grandma had a no shoe policy in the house.

"What brings you to this side of the neighborhood?" said his grandpa leading him to the kitchen where he knew his grandma was.

"I just wanted to see you guys," lied Gabriel.

"I don't believe that for a second, you always come sniffing around here when you need something," said the crisp voice of his grandma.

A small old lady sat at the small kitchen table. She had a Sudoku book opened in front of her. Her pepper hair was pulled into a high bun, she had on a flannel shirt as well with a pair of denim jeans. Her red-framed glasses were perched cutely on her nose. Gabriel frowned staring at her. Her appearance was deceiving, she looked like a cute old lady...and to most people, she was, just not Gabriel.

"What law did you break? I'm not bailing you out from any trouble. Not until you pay me a million bucks," she said not even turning or greeting her only grandson from her favorite son.

"It's lovely to see you too grandma," said Gabriel with a chuckle moving over to her and wrapping her small frame with his big arms. It really didn't matter how much of a bully she was to him, he had a soft spot for this woman.

"Get your dirty paws off of me, and go make me some breakfast," she snapped.

Gabriel didn't let go but stared at the kitchen noticing they already had breakfast and sighed.

"What would you like, angel of my heart?" he asked mockingly, knowing the pet names would annoy her. Before she could hit him, Gabriel was already on the other side of the island.

"Don't make me wring your neck, you oaf," she hissed.

"You would have to first reach it," shrugged Gabriel moving to grab an apron.

"Who said you can use my apron?" questioned his grandma fixing her golden eyes on him. Making it clear from whom he had inherited his golden eyes from.

"I don't want to get my clothes dirty," he said with a raised eyebrow looking at his grandmother.

"Then don't," was her only reply.

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